By Luke Stewart My Life
Early Years I was born on September 27, 2000 I don’t know what time I was born but I think it was at 2:00 p.m. I was born at Mission Hospital I was two months early so I was a Preme. I weighed 3 pounds and 9 ounces when I was born.
Dad Mom Brother Family Tommy Stewart Graduated at Brevard College Trish Stewart Hayden Stewart Is in the Seventh Grade
School Days Elementary I started elementary school when I was five, I was in Kindergartner and finished in fifth grade. I lived in Pisgah Forest so when I started school I knew nobody! I met Frankie Bullock and he became my best friend. Sadly we went separate ways in Third Grade. Middle I started middle school when I was 12. I met a bunch of new friends from another elementary that also fed into Rosman. I started playing school ball in Seventh Grade and I started every game for every sport.
RHS Days Period Teacher Subject 1 Amy Schoenacher Art 1 2 Jacob Montgomery Math 1 3 Patrick Chapman English 1 4 Lisa Gillespie Microsoft and Word
Future Plans I plan on going to college, after my years at Rosman High School. I hope I will go to Clemson University in South Carolina.
Future, Future Plans I plan on playing in the NFL for the Carolina Panthers. Or coaching back in my Hometown Rosman North Carolina.