World Geography Pre-AP Lindley Amarantos Room: A-303 713-251-2661 Baylor University, BA in Education History & Human Performance 13 years as an educator at MHS
Personal Information Product of Spring Branch ISD-MDE, SBMS, MHS (1999) Head girls soccer coach Married 10 years to Christo Amarantos World History teacher at Stratford HS Assistant baseball coach & assistant football Mom to KC Amarantos-born March 2011 1 dog (Tallulah) and 2 cats (Bella & Molly)
My Family
Expectations show respect and be polite. listen carefully have good behavior and manners. be in your seat when the bell rings. come organized and prepared everyday. accept responsibility for your own actions Follow SBISD code of conduct
Goal The goal of World Geography is to enable learners to find answers to questions about the world around us; about where things are, how and why they got there, and the dynamic relationship between humans and the earth. adapted from Geography for Life, 1994). Address 4 essential skills: critical and creative thinking, critical reading, spatial reasoning, and effective writing
Grades 20% - Class work, Home work, participation 30% - Quizzes, Maps, Minor Projects, Essays 50% - Tests, Projects, Essays Tests given on EVEN days (IE. 2, 20)
Make-up Work It is YOUR responsibility to get YOUR make-up work Missed Assignments: # of days they were absent to make-up work (absent 2 days=2 days to make up work) Tests must be made up within one week of absence. Make-up & Re-tests: By appointment Thursdays at 6:50 am ALL major assignments and projects MUST be turned in on the due date, regardless of the student being present in class. Other known Assignments are due or must be taken on the day you return This includes QUIZZES!
Late Work & Re-testing LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED EVER. World Geography Pre-AP policy WORK is due 1 MINUTE AFTER tardy bell! It is considered late 2 minutes after the bell RE-TEST REQUESTS-Must be made within 48 hours of notification of test result (grade posting on skyward). Fill out appropriate sheet found in green hanging folder in classroom and turn into teacher.
How to make an “A” Check calendar daily for directions and assignments. Calendars include all materials to bring to class and any upcoming quizzes, tests, or due dates. Read chapter sections as they are assigned rather than waiting until the night before the quiz and/or test to read the whole chapter. As you read sections, make outline notes that including all major facts, bolded words, historical figures and significance, major dates, and major themes Start on maps immediately upon receiving them.
How to…, cont. Make sure all maps have TODALSIGS on them. Do warm-ups daily! Study all items given to you between tests. Read the book, articles, handouts, and all things assigned to you along the way. Take care of your business. Turn things in on time and completed. GET INVOLVED in class discussion. Watch the world news nightly and keep track of the places and situations they discussed. When possible, locate countries or cities on an atlas or map.
Things you should know: ONLY WATER is allowed in class. Snacks are allowed if trash is put in the correct place Restroom is for emergency purposes ONLY. Must have student planner to go. May NOT go to the restroom on test days. Email is the best form of contact for me Notify the teacher of known absences and email quickly following an absence.
Things you should know, cont. School rules and policies: Read your student handbook and abide by all rules Bring your textbook to class DAILY. Cell phones will NOT be allowed on students bodies during tests. Students will use student atlases in the classroom ONLY. All students will be held financially responsible for missing atlases at the end of the year.
Important Information 713-251-2661 8th period – conference Tutorials per request, Thurs. am