AP World History Advance Academic Presentation Mr. Robert Perez AP World History & AP European History Instructor John A. Ferguson Senior High School
“One of the best standard predictors of academic success at Harvard is performance on Advanced Placement Examinations.” —William R. Fitzsimmons Dean of Admissions, Harvard University “Completing AP Courses is one way applicants demonstrate a willingness to accept academic challenges. Strong grades and high test scores certainly demonstrate preparation for college.” - Lori Goldman, Director of Admissions, University of Arizona A.P. World History INITIAL CONTACT
Mr. Robert Perez Contact information rrperez0@dadeschools.net (Email) Remind App (stay tuned for instructions) Edmodo App (stay tuned for instructions)
Remind (Text Reminders) Download the Remind App on your mobile device. Will we utilize remind to communicate via text. Text the message @7bbckh to the number 81010
What do you know about AP? Please share any information you know or wish to know about Advanced Placement courses.
Advanced Placement Intro Video https://youtu.be/SyeQ9IPO-1o\
What are Advanced Placement classes? Set of internationally administered High School classes Present in over 180 countries Overseen by the College Board: All programs designed by College professors Who administer certification programs for incoming AP teachers Mission: Connect students to university success and opportunity Success on an AP Exam represents mastery of concepts and skills necessary for success in postsecondary studies.
How do AP classes differ from other classes? Possesses a definite timeline (must be finished by May 16th) Pace is roughly one chapter a week in College-level textbook It is a College Board approved course Teacher created syllabus requires College Board approval Student responsibility shifts to a more collegiate model Teacher focuses on skill development and support Students teach themselves the content Increased workload Expect multiple weekly assignments
How will A.P. classes benefit you? Prepares students for college and helps ensure smooth transition Studies have shown that: Single biggest predictor for success in college is whether students were exposed to rigorous material while in High School Students who score 3 or higher on AP Exams perform as well as or better than university students in the corresponding course. Students who score 3 or higher on AP Exams perform better in college than non-AP students. Provides advantage for students applying to competitive universities Helps universities identify students who have willingly challenged themselves Increased GPA weight
How will A.P. classes benefit your child? Save money! Strong AP exam performance = Earned college credits AP World History can equal as much as $12,000 saved Individual universities determine acceptability 4’s & 5’s….sometimes 3’s 90% of all American universities accept AP credits The school CAP adviser can provide you further information. Strong AP performance enables students to qualify/apply for scholarships Save time! Strong AP exam performance allows students to test out of classes With enough AP classes students can graduate college early Ensures a learning environment in which all present are motivated and prepared students who chose to be challenged AP classes tend to feel more like a family than any other classes
AP World History Exam Format AP WORLD HISTORY EXAM: 3 HOURS AND 15 MINUTES Section I Part A: Multiple Choice | 55 Questions | 55 Minutes | 40% of Exam Score Section I Part B: Short Answer | 3 Questions | 40 Minutes | 20% of Exam Score Section II Part A: Document Based | 1 Question | 60 Minutes (includes a 15-minute reading period) | 25% of Exam Score Section II Part B: Long Essay | 1 Question | 40 Minutes | 15% of Exam Score
Passing Scores Students who take the AP exam will get a score ranging from 1 to 5. The College Board defines the numbers as follows: 5 - Extremely well qualified to receive college credit 4 - Well qualified to receive college credit 3 - Qualified to receive college credit 2 - Possibly qualified to receive college credit 1 - No recommendation to receive college credi
How do you find out your score? You must create a College Board Account. https://account.collegeboard.org/iamweb/smartRegi ster Make sure to use an email you check regularly. Tip- use a password you will not forget.
Why you should enroll in APWH? In my experience, successful AP students: Must want it for themselves Have received B’s or better in earlier Social Studies/Writing classes Exceptions do exist! Are self-motivated…with past 75%+ averages in HW
Step To Succeed Create a schedule for yourself to read the textbook. Roughly one chapter a week. Take detailed notes. All notes must be handwritten. Take online self quizzes found in the textbook website. Communicate concerns with Mr. Perez. Submit assignments on time.
Interactive Session Using Padlet Visit the link below and answer the question. Make sure to write your name were it says “Topic” followed by your response https://padlet.com/rrperez0/ goals
Edmodo We will utilize Edmodo for the following reasons: Class announcements Access assignments to download. Access PowerPoint presentations. Submit online assignments (I have already uploaded the course syllabus for you to download) Download Edmodo App on your mobile device: Group Codes to join: (To Be Announced) Period 1 – TBA Period 5 - TBA Period 2 – TBA Period 6 - TBA Period 3 – TBA Period 7 - TBA Period 4 – TBA Period 8 - TBA
AP World History Periods Covered
Interactive Session Using Padlet Visit the link below and answer the question. Make sure to write your name were it says “Topic” followed by your response https://padlet.com/rrperez0/ history
AP World History Thinking Skills
AP World History Thinking Skills
AP World History Thinking Skills
AP World History Thinking Skills
AP World History Thinking Skills
AP World History Thinking Skills
AP World History Thinking Skills
AP World History Thinking Skills
AP World History Thinking Skills
Classroom Materials Required Materials (1) 1 ½” to 2” 3-Ring binder with pockets and a plastic over located in the front and back. (9) Dividers with the following labels: Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5, Unit 6, S.A.Q. (Short Answer Question), L.E.Q (Long Essay Question), D.B.Q. (Document Based Question), Charging Battery for mobile device (optional) Optical Mouse for Tablet (optional) The Princeton Review: Cracking the AP World History Exam 2018 Edition
AP World History Review Book
Follow Me on Twitter!!! Robert Perez @JAFHistory We will be posting and sharing some of our accomplishments throughout the year.
Thank You!!!