ASFS Fifth Grade Back to School Night
Meet the Team Juliette Ling Krysten Brady Lisa Gallagher Doris Nhan Classroom Teacher Krysten Brady Lisa Gallagher Doris Nhan Emily Sedlock Special Education Brittany Oman Mariam Shaikh John Kirkman RTG
Homeroom Activities Modules Homeroom Math/Science Gallagher or Brady Language Arts/Social Studies Nhan or Ling Specials (Art, P.E., Music), Field Trips, Conferences, School-Wide Events, Holiday Parties ✔ (all teachers) We continue grade-level team planning to provide integration and consistency across all curricular areas.
Core Subjects Ms. Gallagher and Ms. Brady will teach science and math. Ms. Nhan and Ms. Ling will teach language arts and social studies. Classes are heterogeneous with the exception of one math class (Ms. Gallagher) and one language arts class (Ms. Ling), which are co-taught with Mr. Kirkman and offer additional enrichment.
What assessments are used to determine core class placement? SOLs from prior years APS math assessments from prior year and beginning of year Writing prompt scores DRA and DSA scores from prior-year Identification (Special Education, ESOL/HILT, Gifted)
5th Grade Website
Fall Conferences (formerly Volunteer Spot) is used to schedule conferences An email will be sent out next week. Fall Conferences are: October 6th from 8:30am - 8pm October 7th from 8:30am - 12pm Conference will be with your child's Module 1 teacher All subject information will be discussed Conference topics Student performance on assessments How does your child learn best?
Assignments and Google Classroom Google Classroom will be used for most assignments and long-term projects With the exception of math class, students are given time in class to complete assignments.
Behavior Expectations In the first week of school, students developed their own code of conduct: Respect yourself, others, and property Be kind, safe, participate and cooperate Try your hardest Refocus forms will be issued after a warning when students disrupt the classroom environment. Parents will receive an email when their child has received a refocus form.
Refocus Forms Should a student receive three refocus forms, a parent-teacher-student conference will be requested. Once five refocus forms have been issued, the student will lose a fifth grade privilege. Students on Tech Crew, News Team or Safety Patrol may receive additional consequences. Please contact Mr. Harvey or Mr. Richards for details.
Volunteer Opportunities Parent volunteers are a HUGE part of our success in the classroom! Interested in being a room parent? Email your child’s homeroom teacher to volunteer. Refer to your handout for a list of available events and opportunities for volunteers.