Third Grade May’s Newsletter 2017 Teachers Teacher Assistants P.S 147 – Isaac Remsen 325 Bushwick Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11206 Telephone: (718) 326-0426 P.S Teachers Ms. Starzecki Ms. Szczepanski Mr. Alimonda Teacher Assistants Ms. Torres (Ms. Rodas) Mr. Valles Ms. Martinez The Administration Ms. Noyola Principal Ms. Figueroa Assistant Principal Dates to Remember May 31st Parents in the Classroom @ 8:15 AM PTA meeting @ 9:00 AM Dates to Remember Math State Testing – May 2nd thru May 4th May 29th – Memorial Day school is closed.
What are we doing this month? Writing Third graders did such a wonderful job in writing about important women in history during the month of March. This month, third graders will write informational pieces on topics they will do research on. They will pick a topic, research it and write a proper report on it. GO THIRD GRADERS!!! Reading Third graders will continue to explore nonfiction topics in science and social studies. Third graders will make connections between texts. Math Math State Testing Upon completing the Math State Testing, third grade students will resume their studies on chapter 10 in the Go Math Book. We will be studying about Time, Length, Liquid Volume, and Mass. Check your child’s work every night to see the wonderful things they are doing within the class. Third, Fourth, and Fifth grade students are taking the Math State Exam on May 2nd thru May 4th. Your child will do GREAT! They need plenty of rest and to relax; They have this.
What are we doing this month? Social Studies Third grade students will resume their studies about Egypt. They will continue to learn about the rich culture of this country. Students will learn about the mummification process and the Pharaohs. Science This month, third graders will continue to learn about how all living things grow, take in nutrients, breathe, reproduce, and eliminate waste. Note "The world's favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May.“ - Edwin Way Teale Every morning our wonderful cafeteria staff makes a delicious breakfast for your children. Please make sure they are here on time (7:15 AM) so they can enjoy breakfast with their friends and get ready for a fun day of learning.