The Great Battle The Obedient belong to: Seed of the Woman


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Presentation transcript:

The Great Battle The Obedient belong to: Seed of the Woman Kingdom of God The Disobedient belong to: Seed of the Serpent, Kingdom of Men They are called: Sons of God, The Righteous, Sons of Abraham Sons of Men, The unGodly, Servants of the Beast The message they obey and preach is called: The Commandments, The Gospel, The Faith, The Way A Lie, Deceit, Poison, Wine of Fornication, Unclean Spirits They are spiritual citizens of: Jerusalem, Zion, City of God, Israel Amalek, Egypt, Babylon, Rome They have leaders who they follow: Moses, David, Cyrus, Christ Goliath, Jezebel, King of Babylon, The Harlot, The Beast Their obedience results in: Glory, Honour, Life Everlasting Their disobedience results in: Shame, Contempt, Everlasting Death

COMMENCEMENT OF THE KINGDOM OF MEN - CAIN Corrupts Divine commandment Unrepentant and disobedient Usurps Divine authority Acts with violence Establishes apostasy Cain offers the wrong sacrifice Cain refuses to submit to God Cain takes the life of a man Cain kills Abel Cain builds a city Cain is the first Man of Sin, and his example will be followed by all succeeding generations of the lawless apostasy Cain becomes the archetypal leader of an apostate system which strives to establish the Kingdom of Men on earth

SEED OF THE WOMAN – SEED OF THE SERPENT Genesis 5: Seth: In his day men invoke God Enoch: Walked with God Lamech: Anticipated salvation Noah: Righteous before God The seed of the woman starts with a man of God, and ends with one who walked with God Genesis 4: Cain: A murderer Jabal: A herdsman Jubal: Inventor of instruments Lamech: A blasphemer The seed of the serpent starts with a murderer, and ends with a blasphemer

THE NEXT MAN OF SIN – LAMECH Corrupts Divine commandment Unrepentant and disobedient Usurps Divine authority Acts with violence Establishes apostasy Lamech takes two wives Lamech is his own authority Lamech’s oath Lamech kills a man Lamech’s example is followed Lamech’s apostasy leads to systematic confusion of the two seeds (Genesis 6:2, 11) The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair, and they took them wives of all which they chose. The earth also was corrupt before God, and filled with violence.

THE KINGDOM OF MEN DESTROYED AND REBUILT Genesis 6: 2: The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair, and they took them wives of all which they chose. Apostasy leads to the confusion of the two seeds… 11: The earth also was corrupt before God, and filled with violence. …and the result is corruption and violence… 12: And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted His way upon the earth. …the inevitable product of the Kingdom of Men

THE KINGDOM OF MEN DESTROYED AND REBUILT Genesis 6: 13: And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Genesis 7: 21: And all flesh died that moved upon the earth… every man: The destruction of the Kingdom of Men is complete… Genesis 9: 25: And Noah said, Cursed be Canaan… …and yet the seed of the serpent returns almost immediately.

THE KINGDOM OF MEN DESTROYED AND REBUILT Genesis 11: 2: And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. The apostasy of Shinar is a continuation of Nimrod’s system… 4: And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, ...taken from the example of Cain, the first Man of Sin… 4: …whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. … and demonstrating the same usurpation of Divine authority.

THE KINGDOM OF MEN – AN ENDURING APOSTASY Cain: An apostate, persecutes the saints, and builds a city Lamech: An apostate, violent, usurps Divine authority Ham: An apostate, shameful, who has an unGodly seed Nimrod: An apostate, persecutes the saints, and builds a city Asshur: An apostate, persecutes the saints, and builds a city Canaan: An apostate, persecutes the saints, and builds cities The intervention of the flood does nothing to change men’s hearts, and the apostasy is renewed shortly afterwards The unmistakable signs of the enduring apostasy continue to show themselves in the seed of the serpent

SEED OF THE WOMAN – SEED OF THE SERPENT Genesis 11: Abraham: Father of God’s seed Isaac: Inheritor of the promises Israel: Prince with God Joseph: A righteous saviour The descendants of Abraham come from a man of God, and end with a righteous saviour Genesis 10: Ham: Accursed, a man of shame Nimrod: Establishes Babylon Asshur: Establishes Nineveh Canaan: Arch enemy of Israel The descendants of Ham come from a man of shame, and include the enemies of Israel