Clovis North High School 8th Grade Parent Night Class of 2021
Evening’s Format Introductions Registration Overview Graduation & College Entrance Requirements Presentations from Guest Colleges
COUNSELING STAFF Kerince Nguyen: Head Counselor Jay Center Erin Gunn Sean Ford Soua Herr Courtney Wilson Bryana Moreno Tina Wood Linda Harris: Secretary Candice Delgado: Career Center Secretary
What Do Counselors Do For Your Child? Academic, career, and social/emotional support Schedule changes – proper placement 4 Year Plan (9-12) Conferences with student/parent/teacher Student Advocate Academic Intervention Counseling Stay in contact with your child’s counselor throughout the school year
Registration Dates Registration forms distributed: Wednesday - February 15th Thursday - February 16th Registration: February 27th & 28th All current 8th graders will register through their AB class, in the Library Lecture Hall on 2/27 & the Counseling Center on the 28th Parent must review and sign registration form Change registration dates
Registration Form North Registration Form? How do I complete the Clovis North Registration Form?
Registration Form Please complete all the requested information in these two areas Parents - be sure to sign before your student registers for classes
Registration Form Refer to the course list on the back of your form New course offerings are indicated with an asterisk (*) Refer to course catalog online at Write selected course number in the Number column
New Courses for 2017-18 Exploring Computer Science - elective course part of the new Software and Systems Development Pathway Pre-requisite - B or higher in Math 1 Chinese 1 AB (P) These courses will be offered based on student enrollment
Registration Form English 9: Honors English 9: Write in the course number next to the English course choice Honors English 9: A in AB Language & a score of a 4 on SBAC ELA Score of a 3 on SBAC & Teacher recommendation Honors English 9: -remove exceeding standard and put actual number, same for meeting standard on bullet below
Registration Form PE Write in the number next to the Physical Education choice. Sports PE – write course number for your specific sport (A, B, etc.) Students who wish to take 2 electives, creating an impacted schedule, may take lunch or zero period PE Fine Art electives do not count towards an impacted schedule Will dance PE meet core requirement for 9-10th?
Registration Form Write in the course numbers for Geog/Health There is an option for students with impacted schedules & a 3.0 GPA to take Health during summer school Fine Art electives do not count towards an impacted schedule Review final bullet and input exact scores needed for summer school
Registration Form Math Write in the course number next to the Math course choice Students are placed in math classes based on teacher recommendation and semester grade. (2nd semester grade will be checked before confirming student placement for 2017-18). Honors Math 2 - placement test – given in Adv. Math 8 classes
Registration Form Science Write in the course number next to the Science course choice: Science 1 Biology – B in 8th grade Math & Science Honors Bio – A in Science 8 or Honors Science 8 and B or better in Adv Math 8 (Concurrent enrollment in Math 2 or Honors Math 2 Chemistry/Honors Chem- students can test into the course without completion of Biology Teacher recommendation
Registration Form Electives Write the course number in the box provided Please choose your electives carefully! Unless there are special circumstances, students must remain in their chosen elective for the entire school year All students will need to choose 2 Alternate Elective courses
World Language Spanish, French, and Chinese are offered 3.0 GPA and 3 or 4 on SBAC ELA Enrollment based on availability (more space is available in French) – Julie Havens 2 years of World Language is required by the CSU/UC system If you don’t meet the prerequisites for World Language this year, its recommended that you take a Fine Art course to fulfill your one year Fine Art requirement for CSU/UC. Change second bullet and add specifc score needed
Other Elective Options Performing Arts Most performing art electives have unlimited seating Application Electives (A) Applications were due Jan. 31st which included all teacher recommendations (Peer Counseling, Leadership, Service Leadership (Unified Mentoring) & Yearbook) What is the due date for the applications?
(Advancement Via Individual Determination) Designed for motivated students who want to be exceptional AVID is an elective class offered to motivated students who would like to prepare for four-year universities. The curriculum features writing, inquiry, collaboration, reading, note-taking and study skills, as well as college, career, and motivational activities. Students must commit to taking notes in subject-area classes on a daily basis. Helpful for students who struggle with time management/organization Other requirements for applicants are satisfactory citizenship, good attendance, and a G.P.A. of 2.5-3.8.
Education Pathway Pathway of courses 9-12 for students interested in education or a profession that works with children/adolescents (coach, teacher, day care, administrator, etc.) 10th grade English course-Exploration of Child & Adolescent Literature (Honors/Weighted) Students in the class will have opportunities to participate in a summer college boot camp and youth tech institute. Brochures are in the counseling center for more info You can sign up for the pathway at Do we keep the patient care pathway and do we advertise the new pathway?
Information Technology Software and Systems Development AP Computer Science A 11/12 Exploring Computer Science 9-10 Computer Apps 7 Computer Apps 8 Principles of Engineering and Robotics 9-12 Robotics 7th 8th
Pathway Courses: Computer Applications 7th is an introductory course intended for 7th grade students to support their integration into the technology rich laptop environment at the intermediate level. Computer Applications 8th is an intermediate level course for 8th grade students to advance integration into the technology rich laptop environment at the intermediate level. Students will learn basic programming skills, web design, computing and data analysis, robotics, and advanced research skills. Robotics 7/8 is divided into twelve primary units and one optional unit. In a flexible format, students learn about engineering and engineering problem solving. They will be given introductions to VEX and FIRST Robotics while learning key STEM principles. Exploring Computer Science Exploring Computer Science is a yearlong course consisting of 6 units, approximately 6 weeks each; Human Computer Interaction, Problem Solving, Web Design, Programming, Computing and Data Analysis, and Robotics. Principles of Engineering and Robotics is a hands on course that teaches STEM principles while encouraging a competitive spirit. Student have the chance to join the school’s robotics team Stable Circuits Robotics to compete in regional and national competitions. AP Computer Science A is both a college-prep course for potential computer science majors and a foundation course for student planning to study in other technical fields such as engineering, physics, chemistry and geology. Uses Java programming language.
Careers Software Engineer Computer Network Architect Systems Developer Software Developer Computer Systems Analyst IT Manager Web Developer Performance Systems Development
Academic Interventions Study Skills (English Lab): to provide intervention and support and assist students in English based curriculum focused on ensuring growth in reading, writing, and vocabulary to provide organizational skills and study strategies Placement: students who score a 2 on the English portion of the SBAC test teacher recommendation Math Tutorial Students may be recommended by their math teacher for this intervention class It is an additional math class for hardworking but mathematically challenged students who would benefit from support in Math 1
Summer School 2017 Purpose: Summer school is primarily designed for remediation or making up deficiencies toward graduation. Location: Clovis West High School (Independent Studies) Kastner Intermediate (Face to Face) Dates: Independent Study Summer School Dates: June 13 – July 26 (students cannot miss orientation on TBA) Health - mandatory orientation session - TBA Regular Summer School Dates: June 19 – July 27 Time: 8:30am-2:35pm Attendance: Students will be dropped on their 2nd absence. No exceptions will be made. Find out dates for Summer School 2017
Five -Year Plan Clovis Unified Graduation Requirements Four Year College Requirements
Change this slide to reflect the college prep elective needed for CSU
Change this slide as well Subject CUSD CSU UC/Private Social Science World Geography/Health World History U.S. History Gov't/Economics Math 2 Years of Math: HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 4 years of math recommended Science 2 Years of Science: 1 Year Life Science 1 Year Physical Science 2 Years of College Prep Lab Science: 1 Year Life Science (P) 1 Year Physical Science (P) Lab Science: Biology Chemistry or Physics 3 years of science recommended Foreign Language 2 Years of Any Combination of Foreign Language and/or Visual or Performing Art 2 Yearof Foreign Language (same language) 2 Years of Foreign Language (same language) 3 years of foreign language recommended Visual or Performing Art (Art, Music, Drama, Video, Ceramics) 1 Year of an approved College Prep Visual or Performing Art (P) Other 4 Years of P.E. College Prep Electives (P) (4th year math, 3rd year science, 3rd year foreign language, etc.) Tests California High School Exit Exam CAHSEE (ELA, Math) with a minimum score of 350 Starts Grade 10 PSAT – Grades 9, 10, 11 PLAN – Grade 10 SAT or ACT - Grade 11, 12 Class of 2012 and beyond: SAT Subject tests are not required, except for specific majors GPA &/or Credits 230 Credits 3.0 GPA (need high SAT's if under 3.0) 3.3 GPA (minimum)
College Entrance Exams: SAT/ACT Best taken during the spring semester of the Junior Year Register at for SAT Reasoning, SAT Subject information Register at – ACT information Test prep:
SAT/PSAT Reasoning Test The PSAT is a Practice Test for the SAT Tests are Given Only Once in October On average students who take the PSAT do better on the SAT Available - 9th / 10th / 11th grades Recommended to take the PSAT junior year as the student may be Eligible for National Merit Scholarship Competition Registration form will be available at walk through registration in August
The ACT/Aspire Test The Aspire Test is the practice ACT Test The Aspire has five sections that align with the ACT Plus Writing subject areas: Reading, English, Math, Science, and Writing Students can begin to take the Aspire in 9th grade Students register in the spring to take the test in the Fall of 2017 (Registration will be Spring of 2017 only)
NCAA There are course and GPA requirements for the NCAA Div 1 and 2 NCAA requires 16 Core Courses. 10 of the 16 core courses must be complete before the 7th semester (senior year) of high school. 7 of the 10 core courses must be in English, Math, or Science If your student is interested in college athletics, speak with your counselor as soon as possible to discuss the NCAA requirements and steps to eligibility You can visit the NCAA website for more information
How Parents Can Help Encourage good study habits, beginning in 9th grade Facilitate decision-making and access to appropriate courses Attendance at conferences Discuss goals and post-secondary plans/opportunities Frequent communication with teachers and counselor Encourage your child to challenge themselves in academics
School Involvement Co-Curricular Athletics Academic Teams (Acad. Decathlon, Forensics, Mock Trial) Performing Arts Clubs Community Service Student should keep track of their service hours
Career Cruising Resources Electronic college and career planning system College and career exploration tool Compare colleges Career assessment Scholarship Search Resume Builder
Things to remember… Keep your grades up! Go to labs if you need help! Getting involved in co-curricular activities and community service are important as you prepare for college Plan your future using Career Cruising resources Register for the PSAT/Aspire tests
College Presentations Clovis Community College: Isaac Reyna Fresno Pacific: Derek Kliewer UC Merced: Maria Martinez Madrigal
“Planning for College Handbook” Order Now! $30 Comprehensive resource preparing high school student for secondary education Developed and created by counselors and parents specifically for Clovis North students Guided tool for you and your student with key information designed for Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors
We Look Forward To Working With You Over The Next Several Years!!! Thanks For Coming We Look Forward To Working With You Over The Next Several Years!!!