Give Me The Genealogies Why are they Important? Give Me The Genealogies
Be an Active Reader… Why do Genealogies appear in a particular place? Gen. 4 :16-24 – Descendants of Cain Gen. 5: 1-32 – Descendants of Seth
Be an Active Reader… Why do Genealogies appear in a particular place? Gen. 4 :16-24 – Descendants of Cain Gen. 5: 1-32 – Descendants of Seth “Then began men to call upon the name of Jehovah” (Gen. 4:26, Gen. 12:8, 13:4, I Chron. 16:8-9, Psm. 105:1-2)
Be an Active Reader… Why do Genealogies appear in a particular place? Gen. 4 :16-24 – Descendants of Cain Gen. 5: 1-32 – Descendants of Seth “Then began men to call upon the name of Jehovah” (Gen. 4:26, Gen. 12:18, 13:4, I Chron. 16:8-9, Psm. 105:1-2) Family descendants of the worldly in contrast to the family descendants of the godly from Adam to Noah
Be an Active Reader… Are there things revealed in one family tree that is different from that stressed in the other?
Be an Active Reader… Are there things revealed in one family tree that is different from that stressed in the other? Gen. 4:16-24 – the descendants of Cain estranged from God: building a city – He at least attempted to: “He was building…”; Lamech’s bigamy
Be an Active Reader… Are there things revealed in one family tree that is different from that stressed in the other? Gen. 4:16-24 – the descendants of Cain estranged from God: building a city – He at least attempted to: “He was building…”; Lamech’s bigamy The skills and work that are fitted for this world: Cain: build city, Jabal: father of those who dwell in tents and have cattle (v.20); Jubal: father of such who handle the harp and pipe; Tubalcain: the forger of every cutting instrument of brass and iron.
Be an Active Reader… Are there things revealed in one family tree that is different from that stressed in the other? Gen. 4:16-24 – the descendants of Cain estranged from God: building a city – He at least attempted to: “He was building…”; Lamech’s bigamy The skills and work that are fitted for this world: Cain: build city, Jabal: father of those who dwell in tents and have cattle (v.20); Jubal: father of such who handle the harp and pipe; Tubalcain: the forger of every cutting instrument of brass and iron. Such not seen in the generations of Adam through Seth.
Be an Active Reader… Things of interest in generations of Adam and Seth: We can have a good idea of how long it was from Adam to the flood (1656) We know the flood began in the 600th year of Noah (Gen. 7:6)
Adam to Noah to Flood… Adam: Year 1 Seth: Year 130 Enosh: Year 235 Kenan: Year 325 Mahalalel: Year 395 Jared: Year 460 Enoch: Year 622 Methuselah: Year 687 Lamech: Year 874 Noah: Year 1056 Flood: Year 1656
Be an Active Reader… Things of interest in generations of Adam and Seth: We can have a good idea of how long it was from Adam to the flood (1656) We know the flood began in the 600th year of Noah (Gen. 7:6) We know that Lamech lived 595 years after Noah’s birth – so he died 5 years before the flood (v.30)
Be an Active Reader… Things of interest in generations of Adam and Seth: We can have a good idea of how long it was from Adam to the flood (1656) We know the flood began in the 600th year of Noah (Gen. 7:6) We know that Lamech lived 595 years after Noah’s birth – so he died 5 years before the flood (v.30) Methuselah died in the year of the flood: lived after Lamech’s birth 782 years; Lamech died 777 years later – 5 years before the flood (v.26, 31)
Adam to Noah to Flood… Adam: Year 1 Seth: Year 130 Enosh: Year 235 Kenan: Year 325 Mahalalel: Year 395 Jared: Year 460 Enoch: Year 622 Methuselah: Year 687 Lamech: Year 874 Noah: Year 1056 Flood: Year 1656
Adam to Noah to Flood… Adam: Year 1 Seth: Year 130 Enosh: Year 235 Kenan: Year 325 Mahalalel: Year 395 Jared: Year 460 Enoch: Year 622 Methuselah: Year 687 Lamech: Year 874 Noah: Year 1056 Flood: Year 1656 Did Adam live long enough to live in Lamech’s generation?
Why Genealogies Were Important To The Jews… Tracing the fathers of the children of Israel from Noah , Abraham to those who entered Egypt (Gen. 10:10, 25, 11:1-9, 10, 27, 46:1-27)
Why Genealogies Were Important To The Jews… Tracing the fathers of the children of Israel from Noah , Abraham to those who entered Egypt (Gen. 10:10, 25, 11:1-9, 10, 27, 46:1-27) Census of 20 years old males for war – by families (Num. 1:3, Ex. 30:11-14, Num. 26:1-51 -601,730)
Why Genealogies Were Important To The Jews… Tracing the fathers of the children of Israel from Noah , Abraham to those who entered Egypt (Gen. 10:10, 25, 11:1-9, 10, 27, 46:1-27) Census of 20 years old males for war – by families (Num. 1:3, Ex. 30:11-14, Num. 26:1-51 -601,730) Dividing the land by lot according to families (Num. 26:52-56, 34:1-29)
Why Genealogies Were Important To The Jews… Tracing the fathers of the children of Israel from Noah , Abraham to those who entered Egypt (Gen. 10:10, 25, 11:1-9, 10, 27, 46:1-27) Census of 20 years old males for war – by families (Num. 1:3, Ex. 30:11-14, Num. 26:1-51 -601,730) Dividing the land by lot according to families (Num. 26:52-56, 34:1-29) Returning from Babylonian Captivity (I Chron. 1-9; 9:22, Neh. 7:64, 11:1-36)
Why Two Genealogies of Jesus? Matthew 1:1-17: “The Book Of The Generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham” Abraham to David David to Babylonian Captivity Babylonians Captivity to Christ Exactly 14 generations? Joram begat Uzziah? (Matt. 1:8, I Chron. 3:11-12(Ahaziah, Joash Amaziah) Rightful heir to the throne of David (2 Sam. 7:12, Acts 2:30-31)
Why Two Genealogies of Jesus? Luke 3:23-37: Jesus back to Adam From Abraham to David both genealogies match David to Jesus line different – Solomon vs. Nathan (Matt. 1:6, Lk. 3:31) Luke gives Jesus’ genealogy through Mary, Matthew gives Jesus’ genealogy through Joseph??? Luke gives Jesus’ genealogy through Joseph as descendant of David legally, while Matthew traces Jesus’ genealogy through heir to the throne???
Why Two Genealogies of Jesus? Luke 3:23-37: Jesus back to Adam Joseph the son of Heli, the son of Matthat (Lk. 3:23); Matthan begat Jacob; Jacob begat Joseph (Matt. 1:15- 16)
Why Two Genealogies of Jesus? Luke 3:23-37: Jesus back to Adam Joseph the son of Heli, the son of Matthat (Lk. 3:23); Matthan begat Jacob; Jacob begat Joseph (Matt. 1:15- 16) “After Matthan's death, Matthat being of the same tribe, but of another family, married his widow, and of this marriage Heli was born. Jacob and Heli were therefore children of the same mother. Heli dying without children, his brother Jacob married his widow, and begat Joseph, who was thus the legal son of Heli.” (Barnes)
Why Two Genealogies of Jesus? Luke 3:23-37: Jesus back to Adam Joseph the son of Heli, the son of Matthat (Lk. 3:23); Matthan begat Jacob; Jacob begat Joseph (Matt. 1:15- 16) “After Matthan's death, Matthat being of the same tribe, but of another family, married his widow, and of this marriage Heli was born. Jacob and Heli were therefore children of the same mother. Heli dying without children, his brother Jacob married his widow, and begat Joseph, who was thus the legal son of Heli.” (Barnes) Why go back to Adam? – “Adam the son of God”
Why Two Genealogies of Jesus? Luke 3:23-37: Jesus back to Adam Joseph the son of Heli, the son of Matthat (Lk. 3:23); Matthan begat Jacob; Jacob begat Joseph (Matt. 1:15- 16) “After Matthan's death, Matthat being of the same tribe, but of another family, married his widow, and of this marriage Heli was born. Jacob and Heli were therefore children of the same mother. Heli dying without children, his brother Jacob married his widow, and begat Joseph, who was thus the legal son of Heli.” (Barnes) Why go back to Adam? – “Adam the son of God” Where does Luke place Jesus’ genealogy? John in prison, Jesus’ baptism… Jesus the last Adam, the Son of God (cf. I Cor. 15:45)
Give Me The Genealogies Why are they Important? Give Me The Genealogies Jesus is the focus of History …Titus 3:9