Amun Amun was one of the strongest gods in Ancient Egypt. Amun is the god of the wind. People referred to Amun as a sun god who made the universe and the source of all life. Another name for Amun is “King of the Gods.” Amun was very important in Ancient Egypt. When Amun was teamed up with Sun God: Ra he was even stronger.
GEB Geb was the husband and the brother of Nut, the sky goddess. HE IS also the father of Osiris, Nepthys and Seth. Geb is the god of the EARTH. HE MADE HORUS THE RULER OF THE LIVING AFTER Seth and Horus fought about taking the throne of Egypt. Ancient Egyptians believed that Geb’s laughing was earthquakes.
KHEPRI Khepri was the God of the scarab beetle. Khepri was also known as Kheper, Khepera, Chepri or Khephir. Khepri was one of the most famous insect gods. He was also the Egyptian creator and the solar god of the sunrise. A solar god is a sky diety that represents the sun. Khepri was introduced as a human with the head of the scarab beetle or the form of a scarab beetle. The scarab beetle symbolized the sun, resurrection, transformation and protection in Ancient Egypt.
BYE ALLEL WE WILL MISS YOU VERY MUCH We will see you in September, Allel!
I hoped you liked my Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt PPT I hoped you liked my Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt PPT. PPT by: Uncle Jerry BYEEEEE!