Meetings Move Us Forward is a grassroots resource created by MPI to help teach members how to talk about the meeting and event industry in a consistent and meaningful way using a common language.
Core Message Platform What Meeting and Event Professionals Do The global meeting and event industry architects live group experiences that move communities, organizations and businesses forward with a shared purpose.
Core Message Platform The Strategic Outcomes that Meetings and Events Deliver Whether the goal is education, motivation, problem-solving or relationship building, we facilitate organizational and personal transformations that drive progress.
Core Message Platform The Breadth and Diversity of the Meetings and Events We Plan You see us in action every day designing and executing meetings and events that range from the Presidential Inauguration to sales kick offs, trade shows, professional development conferences, charitable fundraisers, board meetings and more.
Core Message Platform The Economic Impact of the Industry Ours is a far-reaching industry that employs 1.8 million people and contributes $115 billion to the US GDP.
How MPI Promotes Your Role
MPI Also Promotes You Via… Published Research Speaking Engagements Media Relations Social Media Meetings Mean Business Coalition
How You Can Promote Your Role Four Easy Steps
1. Share The Videos
Professionally Produced Videos
2. Activate The Ad Campaign
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3. Tell Your Story
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4. Get Involved
Meetings Mean Business Coalition
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