Y8 PATHWAYS Evening 14 MARCH 2017
Aims of the PATHWAYS Evening To provide information about the curriculum offer for your child at Kirk balk To explain what happens next and how you make your subject choices Your chance to ask questions
Order of events Item Location 1. Curriculum Presentation Main Hall 2. Opportunities to speak to Subject leaders General Q&A session The Link area
The world is changing… The future of work is changing rapidly… Expectations of young adults have changed massively in the last 3 years… The future of work is changing rapidly…
The world is changing… According to research… A child leaving school now is predicted to work until they are at least 75. A young adult leaving school now is expected to have an average of 20 different jobs during their working life. Your child will still be working in the final part of this century (2075 onwards). State pensions are not guaranteed to still exist by this point.
For the first time in our history we simply cannot predict what jobs will exist in 30 years time. In 2015 $6 billion of revenue was generated from the creation of ‘apps’ for smart phones and tablets. It is predicted that this will double in the next year. This industry did not exist 7 years ago.
Top 10 most popular jobs of the future… According to research carried out in 2014 by Oxford university, the following jobs are predicted to be the top 10 professions of the future. Digital architect Home carer Elderly well-being consultant Body part maker Nano-medic Vertical farmer Waste data handler Child designer Haptic programmer Climate controller
Qualifications are changing… Your child will have to stay in full time education until the age of 18. This means that they will have to secure a place in college, training or an apprenticeship when they leave Kirk Balk.
Qualifications are changing… Your child will sit a brand new set of examinations set out by the government. They will be graded from 1-9 in all their subjects rather than the well known grades A*-G. Grade 9 is the highest and 1 is the lowest. Grade 5 will be the new national measure of achieving a ‘good pass’. This will be harder to achieve than the current C grade
Qualifications are changing… The vast majority of subjects will be assessed by exam only at the end of year 11. There will be no coursework, no controlled assessment and no opportunities to re-sit exams. Any child that leaves school with lower than a grade 5 in Mathematics will have to continue studying the subject at college.
So what can we do to prepare? Our curriculum is designed to provide all students with the range of qualifications required to ensure they have the best life chances available once they leave Kirk Balk. It will allow them to choose the widest range of future career options at college, university and beyond.
Why? By allowing students to pick their options at the end of year 8 we are giving students 3 years to study and prepare for the new qualifications. Students will be able to take early ownership over the subjects they study. Students will be able to master their chosen subjects.
The PATHWAYSs process for y8 students Mr S Moore – Head of Lower School
Compulsory Subjects English Language English Literature Mathematics Double Science (core and additional) Physical Education (core) Religious Education (core)
English Baccalaureate In addition to; English, Mathematics & Science Students at Kirk Balk will take the English Baccalaureate set of subjects You will need to choose; A Humanities subject – Geography or History A Modern Foreign Language – German or Spanish
PATHWAYS Choices Geography or History German or Spanish Choice A - Humanities Choose Either; Geography or History Choice B - MFL German or Spanish
PATHWAYS Choices Open Pathways – Free choice Choose one of; Art & Design Food & Nutrition Physical Education Business Studies Music Performing Arts Design & Technology Computer Science Sociology History Geography Dance
How to select your PATHWAY. Next Steps… How to select your PATHWAY.
PATHWAYs Booklet Contains information about the subjects on offer
Do… Choose subjects that… You can do well in You enjoy Give you a broad range of subjects Will enable you to do the courses/career that you want to do when you leave Kirk Balk
Don’t… Choose subjects because… It is easy You like the teacher Your friends are doing it You think it’s just for boys / girls Remember - You will be studying these courses for the next three years!
Next Steps… Go through your PATHWAYS booklet Speak to subject staff and heads of department for more information Ask for advice, if you are still not sure A personalised PATHWAYS offer will be posted home by Friday 31 March The completed PATHWAYS offer must be completed and returned by Friday 7 April
Your PATHWAYS, Your Future Thank you for listening If you have any questions our subject leaders are waiting in the link area.