Wolfe County’s STEM Education Initiative Increasing Student Engagement, Building Student Leadership skills, and improving college and career readiness.
Wolfe County STEM Education Summer camps and community partnerships Aerospace and Aviation Education Expeditionary Learning Fellowship Student-led Elementary STEM Day
For the past three years, we have offered a summer STEM camp in cooperation with Mercy International.
Our STEM camp offers incoming middle and high school students enriched learning opportunities. Rube Goldberg design challenges Aerospace pathway preview CO2 Dragsters Electrical and Robotics systems Chemistry and Biology modules Unmanned Aerial Systems Basics
The Rube Goldberg Challenge is a perennial favorite for the students and parents.
Building and racing the “dancing” robots was another big hit.
The STEM camp offered students chances to learn about chemistry and biology
Every student learned the basics operations of our Unmanned Aerial Photography System (Drone).
High school and middle school girls attend Space Prep at the Morehead Space Science Center.
Our Aerospace and Aviation pathway program is working through our local educational cooperative to increase student opportunities in these fields.
Our students tour the Mount Sterling Airport and the Morehead Space Science Center.
Dr. Grupe explains the use and importance of the barometric chamber and shake tables in the satellite design
Students build and launch rockets. Most of them succeed Students build and launch rockets. Most of them succeed. Not even SpaceEx gets them all right.
Our Aerospace students also… Use flight simulators to practice pilot skills. Build and test wing sections in our wind tunnel Practice flight planning and other real-world aviation skills. Build and program robotics systems. Practice basic unmanned aerial systems operations Build, program, and fly racing drones
Our Junior Integrated Science classes participate in water quality monitoring as part of Expeditionary Learning.
Our students tested water and assessed the habitat conditions for streams in our local community and at the Lilley Cornett Woods Research Station.
With what they learned about surface water quality, our students planned Green Infrastructure Projects around our campus to help manage storm water.
Elementary STEM Education Day This April, our high school students will take the lead in implementing our first annual STEM day for 1st-6th grades. Our students are currently designing practice-focused modules based on our Core Academic Standards for Science Topics will include Fractions and operations with fractions Measurement of time, distance, volume, and mass. Energy and matter, systems and models, investigations Engineering design solutions
STEM Day Project Ideas (So Far) Single serve personal ice cream maker Making polymers bounce Making better batteries Lava lamps Rate of flow and siphon pumps Soda and acid jet cars Bubble bombs Eggo-Naut rocket design and launch