Impact Teen Drivers Saving Lives through Awareness and education National Public Health Information Coalition
National Public Health Information Coalition Program Philosophy Goal Mission Method Since our inception in 2007, we have had one goal—Save Lives through awareness and education. To help teens reduce their risk of being involved in auto collisions, particularly those caused by everyday distractions and poor decision making We do this by providing tools to reach teens in a way that is creative and relevant to them. Resources and guides for parents, educators, and community members are accessible online. How & why founded: i.e. stress studies & collaborative groups Guiding Principles: Reach teens at a level that is engaging and relevant to them because we see this as a public health issue we provide our materials to educators, parents, and community members for free Research based materials that are easily accessible and user-friendly (free) Utilize health professionals, schools, and first responders to deliver the message that good decision making behind the wheel can save lives National Public Health Information Coalition
National Public Health Information Coalition Parallel Purpose Public Health Professionals Impact Teen Drivers Focus on health and safety Behavioral science Health education Biostatistics Policy Focus on number one killer of teens Seek to change attitudes and behaviors of young drivers Education and awareness primary means of achieving goals Source of reliable information on teen driving statistics Encourage teen safe driving policies Some of you may be wondering what we are doing at a public health conference…we don’t deal with diseases, etc. Essentially, more teens die from poor decision making behind the wheel than all diseases combined. -not only are they killing themselves, but they are killing others as well. Drive home that yes, it is a public health issue & we have parallel between the NPHIC’s purpose & ITD purpose Forward looking & anticipating crisis focusing on ways that encourage people to make healthy choices developing community-wide education programs promoting healthy lifestyles in order to prevent injury encouraging people to make healthy choices and change behavior Public Health Professionals protecting the health of populations: as small as a local neighborhood, or as big as an entire country. trying to prevent problems from happening or re-occurring through implementing educational programs meeting the challenges of protecting the public's health today and in the future. promoting healthy lifestyles and using research for injury prevention. analyzing the effect of personal choices in protecting the health of families and communities. estimating the number of deaths and look at trends in injuries by using math and science identifying health trends that lead to life-saving measures identifying health trends within the community, as well as determining the causes of injury ITD providing awareness and education to teens, their parents, and community members about all facets of responsible driving goal of reducing the number of injuries and deaths suffered by teen drivers as a result of distracted driving and poor decision making using research based materials to improve decision making by teens behind the wheel delivered materials to every high school in California, reaching more than 1 million students in 2010, the campaign expanded nationwide. National Teen Safe Driver Week (2nd week of October). We encourage law enforcement, parents, teens, community organizations, and the media to participate in this important week. talk to teens about how bad driving habits and poor decision making behind the wheel can be lethal reach out to parents as well as teens, informing them about the leading driving and riding behaviors that increase risks provide free materials that can be used to promote this important cause in communities offer Lead the Leader training programs which teach teen leaders how to deliver the Impact Teen Drivers program to their peers and community members focus is placed on the contribution of inexperienced decision making on teen crash rates core of the program is an educational campaign which addresses the multiple distracted driving factors that contribute to teen-related car collisions and fatalities a focused, research based, ongoing program designed to educate and motivate teen drivers and their parents to change teen driving behaviors that put them at greater risk of being involved in traffic crashes National Public Health Information Coalition
National Public Health Information Coalition Did You Know? The Stats The Causes In 2009, 5,560 teens (age 15- 19) were killed in automobile collisions in the U.S. ( In 2008, over 390,000 15-19 year-olds were seriously injured in vehicle crashes ( 75% of fatal teen driving crashes do NOT involve alcohol ( They DO involve reckless and distracted driving decisions Yes, texting. However, they also include other everyday behaviors that become deadly when done behind the wheel Putting on makeup Eating/drinking (non-alcoholic) Adjusting the stereo Having conversations with friends National Public Health Information Coalition
National Public Health Information Coalition Each dot represents a teen death Murder 2,076 Suicide 1,613 Diseases 1,655 Other Causes 1,787 Driving Crashes 4,829 one-thousand more teens were killed in crashes than in the next two leading causes of death (murder and other injuries) combined. *based on 2005 Centers For Disease Control statistics National Public Health Information Coalition
National Public Health Information Coalition Our Resources Are…. Research-based Vetted by teens, parents, educators, and first responders Peer-to-peer messaging: talk to teens in their voice (social media, contests, language) Engaging and easily accessible User-friendly and FREE Flexible enough to be incorporated into your existing programs National Public Health Information Coalition
National Public Health Information Coalition How Do You Get Started? Visit the Resource web page for the Health Professionals group Use the easy to follow step-by-step approach for preparation which include: Review the outline and videos Download files and order supplies Watch narrated video demonstrations on resources and online links if needed Print Prepare The Presenters Guide for additional outlines and activity options Make your presentation Step-by-Step Prepare The Presenter Guide with outlines & activities How-To Demonstration Videos Community & School Event Suggestions Spanish Resources Create Real Impact Contest--$$$ for teens and schools FREE Downloadable Resources We have an extensive collection of resources that can be adapted for almost any purpose or event. 10-step guide Preparing the Presenter Guide Community & Event suggestions Segue into next slide (teen website) by saying one of the easiest to use resources is simply directing teens to our teen website. National Public Health Information Coalition
Teen Website Young woman who was responsible for the death of her boyfriend Discussion Forum to Talk about Important Topics Real, Honest, & Emotional Stories Probability Wheel Blog iCommit Pledge Social Media Links IMPACT! Club Create Real Impact Contest Information National Public Health Information Coalition
FREE Interactive Resources National Public Health Information Coalition
National Public Health Information Coalition
National Public Health Information Coalition Beyond The Basics Each Resource Set curriculum can be set up for either single presentation delivery or ongoing supplementation of lesson plans. All can be enhanced with: audience interactive activities discussion questions hosted video discussions and much more on the teen website A multi-session curriculum guide is available to utilize each available video with discussion points stressing behavioral causes and changes needed. National Public Health Information Coalition
National Public Health Information Coalition Contact Information Kelly Browning, Ph.D. Executive Director Impact Teen Drivers 2030 V Street Sacramento, CA 95811 (916) 733-7432 Phone National Public Health Information Coalition