The Ganges river is a very important river to the people of India.
It flows out of the Himalayas & across the northeastern plains.
It serves many purposes:. Provides water for crops, irrigation It serves many purposes: Provides water for crops, irrigation Transportation Spiritual reasons for the Hindu people
The Hindu people believe the Ganges river has spiritual powers. Hindus believe that they should bathe in the Ganges at least once in his or her lifetime. The believe that it will wash away their sins.
The Ganges River
The Hindus strongly believe in the Ganges spiritual powers The Hindus strongly believe in the Ganges spiritual powers. So much so, that many have their dead relatives ashes or even bodies immersed in the river! They also bathe in and drink that same water.
The Ganges River
Ganges = Germs No! You would think that after multiple people bathe, including animals, plus dead bodies being immersed in the water, that this water would be filled with contagious germs and or diseases. However, no one has ever gotten sick or died from the water.
The Ganges may have healing powers. When a doctor saw human corpses floating in the water – people that had died from cholera a highly contagious disease, he decided to test the water. He found no germs at all! Then he took germs from living patients with cholera & added water from the Ganges to the samples. In a short time, all the germs were destroyed!
No one knows how the Ganges purifies itself No one knows how the Ganges purifies itself. Some scientists speculate that there may be medicinal herbs in the Himalayas which wash down the Ganges & kill all the bacteria. Some geologist say there may be radioactive minerals in the rocky sediment which flows down the river. The Hindus believe it is because the gods bless the waters.
WHAT DO YOU THINK???????????