Preliminary Results of the 2017 Teaching, Empowering, Leading, and Learning (TELL) Survey.
TELL Survey Background
TELL Survey The TELL Survey IS: A statistically valid and reliable instrument to assess whether educators have working conditions in their school that support effective teaching. The TELL Survey Is NOT: An assessment of the morale of teachers or their happiness with specific policies. The survey does not provide information as to why teachers perceive conditions as they do, which is best ascertained through data-driven dialogue as part of the school improvement planning process.
TELL measures 8 constructs linked to teacher retention and student achievement: Use of Time Facilities and Resources Community Support and Involvement Managing Student Conduct Teacher Leadership School Leadership Professional Development Instructional Practices and Support
TELL Constructs Construct Description Use of Time Available time to plan, to collaborate, to provide instruction, and to eliminate barriers in order to maximize instructional time during the school day Facilities and Resources Availability of instructional, technology, office, communication, and school resources to teachers Community Support & Involvement Community and parent/guardian communication and influence in the school Managing Student Conduct Policies and practices to address student conduct issues and ensure a safe school environment Teacher Leadership Teacher involvement in decisions that impact classroom and school practices School Leadership The ability of school leadership to create trusting, supportive environments and address teacher concerns Professional Development Availability and quality of learning opportunities for educators to enhance their teaching Instructional Practices & Support Data and support available to teachers to improve instruction and student learning
2017 Survey Respondents
2017 Responses by Role Total Respondents: 15,931 Overall Response Rate: 31% *Use Descriptives File ‘Role Demos’ Tab to complete; Note: 6 (<1%) of respondents did not answer this item
2017 Responses by Teacher Experience *Use Descriptives File ‘Yrs Exp Demos’ Tab (new tab in 2017) to complete; Total Teachers: 15,048 Percent Beginning Teachers (1st and 2-3rd): 16% Note: 635 (4%) of teachers did not answer this item
Number of Respondents and Response Rates by School Level Total Respondents: 15,931 Overall Response Rate: 31% *Use Descriptives File ‘School Demos’ Tab to complete – expand data if data for Special/Other Schools;
Survey Results by Construct
Rate of Agreement Calculations All calculations are done at the respondent level and then aggregated to school, district, and state level At the Item Level: Percentage of respondents indicating ‘Agree’ or ‘Strongly Agree’ for the given survey question At the Construct Level: Average rate of agreement across items within the given construct Ex. Respondent indicates ‘Agree’ or ‘Strongly Agree’ for 4 out of 8 items within a construct, their Rate of Agreement (RA) for the given construct is 50%
2017 TELL Arizona Construct Averages Use of Time Community Support & Involvement Facilities & Resources Managing Student Conduct Teacher Leadership School Leadership Professional Development Instructional Practices & Support *Use Descriptives File ‘All RAs’ Tab to complete; Construct Average= Average Rate of Agreement (selected ‘Agree’ or ‘Strongly Agree’) on the items included in that construct. Ranges from 0-100%. Note – Use of Time is consistently rated lowest nationwide
“Which aspect of your teaching conditions most affects your willingness to keep teaching at your school?” *Use Descriptives File ‘Aspect’ tab to complete;
TELL Construct-Level Takeaways Overall TELL Composite: 74% School Leadership: 80% Highest-rated Construct in 2017 The most important aspect of teaching conditions in terms of affecting teachers’ willingness to continue teaching at their current school Use of Time: 54% Lowest-rated Construct in 2017 Less than 6 in 10 educators agree they have positive teaching conditions related to Use of Time Second most important aspect of teaching conditions in terms of affecting teachers’ willingness to continue teaching at their current school Instructional Practices & Support: 78% 3rd most important aspect affecting teachers’ willingness to continue working at their current school *Summary of information gleaned from construct average slides (highs, lows, areas of notable change, etc);
*In this section, drill down to the item level for two or three constructs that have shown movement; Survey Results by Item
School Leadership *Use Descriptives File ‘All RAs’ tab to complete;
Use of Time Note: *Lowest-rated item in 2017; *Use Descriptives File ‘All RAs’ tab to complete; Note: *Lowest-rated item in 2017;
Instructional Practices & Support *Use Descriptives File ‘All RAs’ tab to complete;
“Overall, my school is a good place to work and learn.” *Use Descriptives File ‘Level Report’ tab to complete;
Other Notable Items *Highest-rated item in 2017 *Use Descriptives File ‘All RAs’ tab to complete; *Highest-rated item in 2017
Beginning Teachers vs Veterans 100% 0% 11 100% 0% 9 100% 0% 7 100% 0% 6 100% 0% 7 100% 0% 10 *Use Descriptives File ‘BT1 Report’ tab to complete; **% BT1 assigned a mentor will be added to Descriptives starting in 2017; Note. Beginning Teacher (1-3yrs Teaching): N = 4,393; Veteran (4+yrs Teaching): N = 10,020
Stayers vs. Movers Survey items with the greatest disparity between educators who plan to stay at their school and those who plan to move to a different school: *Use Descriptives File ‘SML Report’ tab to complete;
2017 Results Highlights School Leadership highest construct in 2017 9 out of 10 educators indicate that School leadership facilitate data usage Teachers are held to a high professional standard Room to improve around trust There is an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect (72%) Teachers feel comfortable raising issues of concern (69%) Use of Time lowest-rated construct in 2017 Less than 4 in 10 educators agree that class sizes are reasonable (39%) Beginning teachers report slightly more positive about Use of Time compared to Veteran educators Instructional Practices & Support Teachers report having autonomy in the classroom (76%) and being encouraged to try new things to improve instruction (88%) Mixed results related to assessments *Summary of information gleaned from Notable Items slides (trends, highs, lows, areas of notable change, etc); About 9 in 10 educators agree that both the curriculum in their school is aligned with AZ CCRS (92%) Teachers use assessment data in their instruction (89%) Local assessment data are available in time to impact instruction (82%) vs. State assessment data are available in time to impact instruction (44%)
Item-Level Results by Construct This section contains item level results for all constructs. This information shows variation within the constructs to help you identify specific areas of strength and opportunities for continued improvement. Item-Level Results by Construct
Use of Time Class sizes are reasonable such that teachers have the time available to meet the needs of all students. 39 Teachers have time available to collaborate with colleagues. 65 Teachers are allowed to focus on educating students with minimal interruptions. 57 The non-instructional time provided for teachers in my school is sufficient. 51 Efforts are made to minimize the amount of routine paperwork teachers are required to do. 53 Teachers have sufficient instructional time to meet the needs of all students. Teachers are protected from duties that interfere with their essential role of educating students. 62
Community Support and Involvement Parents/guardians are influential decision makers in this school. 64 This school maintains clear, two-way communication with the community. 85 This school does a good job of encouraging parent/guardian involvement. 84 Teachers provide parents/guardians with useful information about student learning. 93 Parents/guardians know what is going on in this school. 80 Parents/guardians support teachers, contributing to their success with students. 63 Community members support teachers, contributing to their success with students. 70 The community we serve is supportive of this school. 78
Facilities and Resources Teachers have sufficient access to appropriate instructional materials. 67 Teachers have sufficient access to instructional technology, including computers, printers, software and internet access. 71 Teachers have access to reliable communication technology, including phones, faxes and email. 91 Teachers have sufficient access to office equipment and supplies such as copy machines, paper, pens, etc. 76 Teachers have sufficient access to a broad range of professional support personnel. The school environment is clean and well maintained. 84 Teachers have adequate space to work productively. 88 The physical environment of classrooms in this school supports teaching and learning. 86
Managing Student Conduct Students at this school understand expectations for their conduct. 80 Students at this school follow rules of conduct. 64 Policies and procedures about student conduct are clearly understood by the faculty. 77 School administrators consistently enforce rules for student conduct. 66 School administrators support teachers' efforts to maintain discipline in the classroom. 75 Teachers consistently enforce rules for student conduct. The faculty work in a school environment that is safe. 91
Teacher Leadership Teachers are recognized as educational experts. 77 Teachers are trusted to make sound professional decisions about instruction. 80 Teachers are relied upon to make decisions about educational issues. Teachers are encouraged to participate in school leadership roles. 87 The faculty has an effective process for making group decisions to solve problems. 68 In this school we take steps to solve problems. 78 Teachers are effective leaders in this school. 83 Teachers are encouraged to be active in professional networks and organizations. 76 Teachers have an appropriate level of influence on decision making in this school. 59
School Leadership The faculty and leadership have a shared vision. 77 There is an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect in this school. 72 Teachers feel comfortable raising issues and concerns that are important to them. 69 The school leadership consistently supports teachers. 75 Teachers are held to high professional standards for delivering instruction. 90 The school leadership facilitates using data to improve student learning. Teacher performance is assessed objectively. 84 Teachers receive feedback that can help them improve teaching. 83 The procedures for teacher evaluation are consistent. The school improvement team provides effective leadership at this school. 76 The faculty are recognized for accomplishments. 80
Professional Development Sufficient resources are available for professional learning in my school. 73 An appropriate amount of time is provided for professional learning. 71 Professional learning offerings are data driven. 76 Professional learning opportunities are aligned with the school’s improvement plan. 84 Professional learning is differentiated to meet the needs of individual teachers. 55 Professional learning deepens teachers' content knowledge. 69 Teachers are encouraged to reflect on their own practice. 88 In this school, follow up is provided from professional learning. 62
Professional Development (cont.) Professional learning provides ongoing opportunities for teachers to work with colleagues to refine teaching practices. 72 Professional learning is evaluated and results are communicated to teachers. 57 Professional learning enhances teachers' ability to implement instructional strategies that meet diverse student learning needs. 77 Professional learning enhances teachers' abilities to improve student learning. 81
Instructional Practices and Support State assessment data are available in time to impact instructional practices. 44 Local assessment data are available in time to impact instructional practices. 82 Teachers use assessment data to inform their instruction. 89 The curriculum taught in this school is aligned with Arizona College and Career Ready Standards. 92 Teachers work in professional learning communities or cluster groups to develop and align instructional practices. 84 Provided supports (i.e. instructional coaching, professional learning communities, etc.) translate to improvements in instructional practices by teachers. 78 Teachers are encouraged to try new things to improve instruction. 88 Teachers are assigned classes that maximize their likelihood of success with students. 61 Teachers have autonomy to make decisions about instructional delivery (i.e. pacing, materials and pedagogy). 76