Email: Starting up with government support 来大志 Dazhi (Alex) Lai, Ph.D. Cell: 203-499-8119 Email:
Starting up your own biotech business Technology Team Money
Self funding Detoured self funding Investment Grants Non-diluted Prerequisite for private funding
SBIR/STTR (NIH, NSF, DoD) Small Business Innovation Research Small Business Technology Transfer SBIR vs STTR Researcher-initiated vs Targeted grant solicitations
Zero risk Novelty vs Feasibility Facility PI / Team member / Consultants Supporting letters Grant writing service Keep writing (4 or 5 times)
DoD Defense Medical Research and Development Program (DMRDP) Maryland TEDCO Seed Investment Fund: $100,000 (up to $200,000 for life science) Need 50% match (cash or in kind) The Maryland Innovation Initiative (MII), up to $265,000, tech from Maryland universities
Summarize: You have to apply for a government grant Zero risk, fool proof Keep writing