People Building Peace NL
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) is the world-wide civil society-led network to build a new international consensus on peacebuilding and the prevention of violent conflict. GPPAC works on strengthening civil society networks for peace and security by linking local, national, regional, and global levels of action and effective engagement with governments, the UN system and regional organizations. Source:
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) GPPAC is structured through fifteen regions, each of which has its own Regional Action Agenda and Work Plan, as well as participating in activities at the global level. The Regional Action Agendas fed into the Global Action Agenda, which was launched at the GPPAC Global Conference at UN Headquarters in July 2005. Source:
GPPAC & People Building Peace “People Building Peace is the international public awareness campaign of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC). People Building Peace highlights the contributions of civil society to preventing violent conflict, and the power and impact that 'people power' brings to transform lives and communities in the shadow of violence.” Source:
People Building Peace Publications
People Building Peace Goals: Raising public awareness of the possibilities of conflict prevention Inspiring greater participation in conflict prevention Increasing the role of civil society in conflict prevention and peacebuilding at the national, regional and multilateral level
People Building Peace NL 2005 report ‘A Global Action Agenda for the Prevention of Armed Conflict’ 2005 Manifesto Plan of Action 2006-2016 2007 Annual Congress
People Building Peace NL 1) People in the Netherlands are more ready and able to deal with conflict in a non violent way 2) Civil organizations work together intensively and effectively in the field of peace affairs 3) The Dutch government has an active and comprehensive peace policy.
People Building Peace NL 4) There is a new equilibrium between peace, security and development in which the interest of the civilian population in conflict areas is the primary concern. 5) Weapon production, trade and transit are restrained. 6) From the Netherlands and Europe, non violent, civil peace services are provided.
People Building Peace NL 7) Different Dutch, internationally operating, companies sign a peace protocol and express a culture of peace. 8) There is enough money available for peace objectives. 9) International Peace Dag is widely celebrated.
People Building Peace NL Annual congress Interactive website (database) Steering group Secretariat Working groups