Region 15 Regional Healthcare Partnership 8th Public Meeting Wednesday, December 5, 2012 University Medical Center of El Paso Anchor Hospital
Confirmation of Participants Role Call
Region 15 RHP Plan Public Posting of Region 15 Plan Region 15 - RHP Submitted Pass 1 and all sections of the RHP Plan Template on 11/14/12
Feedback to Regions from HHSC Initial Review of Pass 1 Projects Summary Information Requested for Every Project Provider Information: size, population, beds Interventions: clearly state what the project will do Need for the Project: shortage of providers or services, etc. Target Population: number of patients project will serve and how Medicaid and indigent patients will benefit Category 1 or 2 Expected Patient Benefits: base this on milestones and outcome measures Scope of the Project: current vs. new initiative
Feedback to Regions from HHSC Initial Review of Pass 1 Projects Highlight any changes to Projects (do not red-line) Required Core Components / Project Option do not just copy and paste from menu, or if you do then add language under each component specific to the project Must be clear benefit to Medicaid, Indigent, Low Income, or Uninsured CQI – add language specific to project Milestones should tie back to the project (1 process and 1 improvement)
What to Expect in Preliminary Feedback from HHSC Narrative not consistent with project option Higher value projects – narrative does not clearly describe what the project is doing – specific feedback from HHSC on these Community Need does not sufficiently justify the project, especially higher value ones Required Core Components / Project Options are not included or addressed, incl. CQI Project Implementation does not begin until DY3 (i.e. the project contains planning milestones only)
Pass 2 $12,713,007 EPCH Medical Society IGT Providers Participating: UMC Texas Tech EHN Health Dept
Region 15 Pass 2 Allocation Summary University Medical Center of El Paso = $7,092,007 El Paso Children’s Hospital = $1,906,951 Medical Society = $1,271,301 Texas Tech = $979,349 Emergence Health Network = $973,725 City of El Paso Department of Public Health = $489,674 Total for Pass 2 = $12,713,007
Medicaid Waiver Timelines HHSC Feedback to Anchors within next 2 weeks: Section II Executive Summary and Section V DSRIP Projects (high level review) HHSC Official Feedback on Entire RHP Plan (technical review): 30 Days after submission – January 30, 2013 December 31, 2012 - Pass 2 Projects, Corrections to Pass 1 Projects, Category 4, and final RHP Plan Due to HHSC December 5, 2012 - Pass 2 Projects Due to Anchor December 10, 2012 – Project Summaries to Anchor and any highlighted changes in projects December 12, 2012 – Revisions to Pass 1 Projects Due to Anchor December 19, 2012 – Early Submission by Region 15 to HHSC – Final Plan February 5, 2013 – Formal CMS Review Begins
CQI Milestones CQI P-1 Participate in bi-weekly meetings (meetings, conference calls, or webinars) with other providers and the RHP to promote collaborative learning around shared or similar projects Metric: Number of meetings, calls, agendas, sign-in sheets, webinars… CQI P-2 Review project data and respond to it every week with tests of new ideas, practices, tools, or solutions Metric: Number of new ideas, practices, tools, or solutions tested by each provider CQI P-3 Participate in face-to-face learning (meetings or seminars) at least twice per year with other providers and the RHP to promote collaborative learning around shared or similar projects Metric: Participate in semi-annual face-to-face meetings or seminars organized by the RHP
Learning Collaboratives Performing Providers, IGT entities, and the Anchor for Region 15 have held consistent monthly meetings throughout the development of the Waiver. As noted by HHSC and CMS, meeting and discussing Waiver successes and challenges facilitates open communication and collaboration among the Region 15 participants. Meetings, calls, and webinars represent a way to share ideas, experiences, and work together to solve regional healthcare delivery issues and continue to work to address Region 15’s community needs. UMC, as the Region 15 Anchor anticipates continuing to facilitate a monthly meeting, and potentially breaking into workgroup Learning Collaboratives that meet more frequently to address specific DSRIP project areas that are common to Region 15, as determined to be necessary by the Performing Providers and IGT entities. UMC will continue to maintain the Region 15 website, which has updated information from HHSC, regional projects listed by Performing Provider, contact information for each participant, and minutes, notes and slides from each meeting for those parties that were unable to attend in-person. Region 15 participants look forward to the opportunity to gather annually with Performing Providers and IGT entities state-wide to share its experiences and challenges in implementing its DSRIP projects, but also recognizes the importance of continuing ongoing regional interactions to effectuate change locally. Through the use of both state-wide and regional Learning Collaborative components, Region 15 is confident that it will be successful in improving the local healthcare delivery system for the low-income and indigent population.
Region 15 Continuous Meeting Plan -See Handout of Executive Summaries Identify which projects have CQI Milestones CQI 1, 2, or 3 Identify projects that complement each other Establish meetings to be held 2x per month Identify Scribe for Minutes Take turns chairing / presenting your project progress Implement initiatives to benefit one another in the region
Contact Information Waiver Website & Email Address: UMC Website: Region 15 - RHP Paso del Norte Blue Ribbon Committee Needs Assessment: