Lexmark Perceptive Content: Maximizing Union University’s Enrollment Management Efficiencies to Improve Student Experience Jim Avery, Associate VP for IT, Union University Jim Fall, President, iMAJ Data Company May 23, 2017
Agenda Motivation to Invest in ECM at Union University – Jim Avery Organizational Dynamics and Change Management – Jim Avery ECM – project, people – Jim Fall Student Financial Planning Academic Center Undergraduate Admissions Institutional Advancement Questions & Answers
Motivation to Invest in ECM at Union University The inefficiencies of back office operations Time, effort and resource drags on the organization Risk of mistakes, redundancies, and lost productivity Opportunity to eliminate paper The need for more than an electronic file cabinet Opportunity to improve efficiency through automating workflows Need to securely share information across departments More efficient support/interaction with regional Campuses Enrollment growth is a big driver for the university Quality customer service is a significant contributor Less time spent on administrative functions and more time on recruitment through enrollment processes
Organizational Dynamics and Change Management Keys for success Strategic vision and department buy-in Phased implementation Internal project manger Good implementation support partner - Champion Change management No time in the day to implement another system Goal is to give time back to them We have always done it this way… status quoism Comfort with having paper – It’s 2017 Celebrate the success – Team effort
Digital Transformation at Union University Process Solution Discovery Perceptive Edge Phased Implementation Student Financial Planning Academic Center Undergraduate Admissions Institutional Advancement
Solution Discovery The Big Picture Business Processes Security & Administration Organize Process Unstructured Data Perceptive (ImageNow) Capture Store Stories Capture- UNC Greensboro Utilizing Fax agent in Financial Aid- at this point they don't even touch documents, as students have to fax them all in. Organize- Davenport Univ. consolidated student historical records from multiple campuses into a single ImageNow repository. This allowed for improved organization of documents, quicker retrieval and controlled access to documents. Many customers use barcoding to index their documents automatically and then place them into workflow, or some sort of process Process- U of MN Enrollment increased by 10,000 students last year. In the past it would take two weeks to process and application. Now it takes two days. They have indicated that they would never have been able to keep up with enrollment had they not used ImageNow. Store- Mich State Removed enough filing cabinets to create two new conference rooms Access- DePaul -End of November and December historically was the busiest time for admissions. Their room was usually filled with bins of applications. If a student called in checking on status of their application, many times they couldn't even find the application. Now they no longer have bins and are staffed by only two people. When visited this past December, they had ZERO applications in their queue. Access Applications People 6
Solution Discovery Business Processes Undergrad Adm – Freshman Undergrad Adm – Transfers Undergrad Adm - International Grad Admissions Transcript Processing FinAid Awards FinAid Verification FinAid Loan Administration Registration Academic Advising Student Services Donation Processing Major Gift Planning Housing Assignment Housing Incidents Judicial Affairs Student Financial Services Student Health Services Cash Operations Sponsored Research/Projects Grants Management Faculty Research HR Hiring HR Onboarding HR Benefits HR Payroll AP Invoice Processing Purchasing Contracts Management Facilities/Asset Management Exec – Budgeting Exec – Communications Exec – Policy Admin IT - Development Compliance Athletics Compliance Athletics Recruiting Athletics Operations Athletics Travel & Expense Athletics Coaching Provost Search Committee Credentials
Solution Discovery People Undergrad Adm - Processors Undergrad Adm - Readers Undergrad Adm – Director Grad Adm - Processors Grad Adm - Readers Grad Adm – Director College Deans Grad Program Chairs Registrar Registrar Staff Transcript Evaluators Academic Advisors FinAid Processors FinAid Counselors FinAid Director Advancement Officer Advancement Director Advancement Solicitors Housing Staff Housing Director RA / Hall Director Judicial Affairs Facilities Staff HR Generalist HR Payroll HR Director HR Recruiters AP Processors AP Supervisor AP Dept Approvers Purchasing IT Admins IT Project Leads IT Developers IT Director Bursar Research Faculty Grants Administrators Provost Office Executive Office Compliance Officers Athletics Operations Staff Athletics Coaching Staff Athletics Compliance Staff Athletics Director
Solution Discovery Business Applications Peoplesoft Student Peoplesoft FinAid Peoplesoft Contributor Relations Colleague Student Colleague FinAid Colleague Advancement Colleague HR Colleague Finance Banner Student Banner FinAid Banner Advancement Banner HR Banner Finance PowerCAMPUS PowerFAIDS CampusVue CampusVantage CampusCornerstone SAP Campus Management Recruitment Plus Jenzabar Three Rivers CAMS Datatel Portal Luminis Portal CampusPortal Sharepoint Portal Peoplesoft HR Peoplesoft Financials Oracle HR Oracle Financials Microsoft Dynamics SAP HR SAP AP Lawson Financials Homegrown DARS ProSAM Raiser’s Edge Residential Mgmt Systems Adirondack StarRez SchoolDude ConnectEdu Docufide Embark Xap UT SPEEDE JumpTV Recruiting Radar
Solution Discovery The Big Picture Business Processes Security & Administration Organize Process Unstructured Data Perceptive (ImageNow) Capture Store Stories Capture- UNC Greensboro Utilizing Fax agent in Financial Aid- at this point they don't even touch documents, as students have to fax them all in. Organize- Davenport Univ. consolidated student historical records from multiple campuses into a single ImageNow repository. This allowed for improved organization of documents, quicker retrieval and controlled access to documents. Many customers use barcoding to index their documents automatically and then place them into workflow, or some sort of process Process- U of MN Enrollment increased by 10,000 students last year. In the past it would take two weeks to process and application. Now it takes two days. They have indicated that they would never have been able to keep up with enrollment had they not used ImageNow. Store- Mich State Removed enough filing cabinets to create two new conference rooms Access- Depaul -End of November and December historically was the busiest time for admissions. Their room was usually filled with bins of applications. If a student called in checking on status of their application, many times they couldn't even find the application. Now they no longer have bins and are staffed by only two people. When visited this past December, they had ZERO applications in their queue. Access Applications People 10
Institutional Advancement – Discovery Session
Perceptive Edge Project Methodology The Perceptive Edge is the professional services iterative approach to delivering the best solution for each customer Plan Align Lexmark and customer project expectations Finalize and approve project charter and project timeline Design Discovery and document detailed solution requirements Build Build and test solution components with iterative approach Deliver Complete solution build Testing and training Go-live support Transition Project closure Transition to global support Our standardized methodology consists of five phases that are designed to provide structure and accountability through every step of the project It promotes and encourages customer education, empowerment and product independence
Phased Implementation
Student Financial Planning (SFP) Staff of 7 Needs Faster access to files Documents were sometimes misfiled Match documents with the student file Organize student information prior to program acceptance Streamline workflows Reduce time of audits Pre-audit process reduced from two weeks to two days
Workflows – SFP – First-time Applicant
Workflows – SFP – Returning Student
Workflows – SFP – Adult Studies Student
Workflows – SFP final design
Academic Center (AC) - Registrar Staff of 10 plus student workers Needs Better customer service Faster access to documents – phone calls Eliminate misfiling of documents Speed sharing of documents across departments Reduce the amount of paper Running out of space to store documents Spend more time on recruitment through enrollment process
Academic Center Workflows
Enrollment Services – Undergraduate Admissions Staff of 13 Needs Speed up the admissions acceptance process Putting together acceptance letter package faster Efficiently connect and communicate with Student Financial Planning to develop a financial aid package for the new student Be able to communicate with students and parents 24/7 Security of student confidential information
Undergraduate Admissions Workflow
Institutional Advancement Staff of 5 and 3 – 4 student workers Needs Security of confidential personal and financial information Better interaction with donors Enhance the process of tracking the donation process Reduce the time for audits Reduce paper/file cabinets
Institutional Advancement Workflow
Celebrate the Success!
Questions & Answers
Contact Information Jim Fall President iMAJ Data Company 6814 Hillsdale Court Indianapolis, IN 46250 www.imajdata.com O: 317-803-7483 C: 734-604-0577 jamesf@imajdata.com