Know the Signs, Strategies, and Facts Elder Abuse Awareness Know the Signs, Strategies, and Facts
What is Elder Abuse? Abuse can be physical, psychological, sexual, financial or in the form of neglect. While one may think that abuse involved doing bad to another, it is also abusive not to do something that needs to be done. In fact, neglect is the most common form of elder mistreatment in the domestic setting.
Obligated Reporting Meals on Wheels is interested in the well-being of every client, so please inform your site coordinator if you feel you have witnessed elder abuse and a report needs to be made. If you’re unsure that what you’ve seen is elder abuse, please share your observations and we can continue to assess the situation.
Obligated Reporting Continued Any concerned person can make such a report. Reports can be made anonymously or acting as an individual, not on behalf of Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland. Under Maryland Law, any health practitioner, police officer or human service worker who has reason to believe that a vulnerable adult is in danger, is required to report that fact to the local Department of Social Services.
Important Definitions Vulnerable Adult - a person aged 18 or over who lacks the physical or mental capacity to provide for her or his daily needs. Neglect - the willful deprivation of adequate food, clothing, medical treatment, or habilitative therapy, shelter, or supervision from a vulnerable adult. Self-Neglect - the inability of a vulnerable adult to provide for his/her physical or mental health and well-being. Abuse - the sustaining of any physical injury by a vulnerable adult as a result of cruel or inhumane treatment or as a result of a malicious act by any person, Exploitation - any action which involves the misuse of a vulnerable adult’s funds, property, or person.
Signs of Abuse: Physical Abuse Multiple injuries Injuries that normally would not occur together Bruises, welts or abrasions The use of physical restraints, such as tying Burns that could come from cigarettes or immersion to water that is too hot A caregiver's refusal to allow visitors to see the person alone Confusion might indicate over-medication
Signs of Abuse: Physical Neglect Dehydration Malnourishment without a cause related to illness Failure to provide physical aids such as glasses, hearing aids, or false teeth Bed sores Lack of compliance with medical care instructions
Signs of Abuse: Psychological Abuse Statements about a caretaker that indicate fear Threats or insults by caretaker Caretaker talks of person as a burden Person is withdrawn; gives short answers to questions, averts gaze Person is not given opportunity to talk to others alone Caregiver leaves person alone for long periods of time Caregiver ignores person; gives "silent treatment" Person shows signs of infantile behavior, antisocial behavior
Signs of Abuse: Financial Neglect or Exploitation Someone has the person's mail sent to their own address Person is confused about his or her income and resources Possessions and quality of life seems substandard given the resources the person has Frequent or large gifts/checks written to a caregiver Personal belongings missing Someone lives with the person and refuses to leave Numerous unpaid bills despite adequate income or unusual activity in bank accounts Other persons added to bank accounts
Signs of Abuse: Sexual Abuse Painful urination/defecation, or retention Difficulty walking or sitting Torn, stained or bloody underclothing Genital or anal infection, irritation, discharge, bleeding, bruising, pain
Things You Can Do If someone other than the client frequently answers the door, ask if you can see the client for a few minutes Immediately report unusual circumstances to your site coordinator and ask to fill out a Client Concern Form Remember that anyone can make an anonymous report of suspected abuse to their local Department of Social Services