Puritan Ethics The Crucible Fall 2013
Daily Puritan life in 1692 was ruled by specific expectations.
God is the supreme ruler of man. Man should love God more than himself God is the supreme ruler of man. Man should love God more than himself. Man should live according to the Ten Commandments. God is an angry God who is vengeful and punishes transgressors. Heaven and hell are locations; God is male; the Devil is male. Puritan Ethics
Vanity and pleasure are sinful. Purity must be in all things Vanity and pleasure are sinful. Purity must be in all things. White symbolized purity; black symbolized sobriety; red symbolized passion, uncontrolled emotions and the Devil. Never waste time. Work hard at whatever you do. Puritan Ethics
Be conscious in all things. Save for a rainy day Be conscious in all things. Save for a rainy day. Men are superior to women physically, emotionally, and mentally. Women should be under the domination of men. Puritan Ethics
It is a disgrace for all women not to marry. A woman’s place is at home. “Spare the rod and spoil the child.” Puritan Ethics
Children are to be seen, not heard. Sobriety is key Children are to be seen, not heard. Sobriety is key. Other religious views aren’t to be tolerated. Tithe—give freely to the church. Puritan Ethics
“Cleanliness is next to Godliness. ” Work together for the common good “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” Work together for the common good. One should always be gainfully employed. Puritan Ethics
Discussion Questions Which ethics are discussed in the first two acts? Which ethics are violated in the first two acts? How do these things contribute to the mob mentality that develops? Discussion Questions