Recycling & Waste Management in Gull Lake
Demographics Gull Lake has a population of 989 with approximately 450 households.
Advanced Waste Solutions In July, 2015 the Town entered into a contract with locally owned & operated Advanced Waste Solutions for garbage & recycling.
Residents Surveyed for Input on Garbage Pickup/Recycling Opportunities Residents wanted both a home based recycling option and an expansion of the current Recycle Centre opportunities.
Waste/Recycle Collection Alley Pickup Alley pick up is always from one side so totes are required to be placed on the proper side of the alley on pick up day. Pick up is weekly alternating between recycling & garbage.
Program Running Well From Jan – June of 2016 we have recycled 20.774 Tonnes.
Small Hiccups residents not pulling their totes back on to their own property after pick up. some residents were placing grass clippings in the totes making them too heavy to lift & dump. totes that are over-filled (whereby lids won’t close) will not be dumped.
Municipal Recycle Bin The Town has also entered into an agreement with the R.M. of Carmichael & R.M. of Gull Lake for single stream recycling. A 40 yard bin has been placed at the R.M. of Carmichael Office & Shop (located in Gull Lake) and is available for rural ratepayers as well as any Town residents . The costs are shared equally between the Town and 2 R.M.s
Sarcan Helps divert waste, such as electronics & paint, which would most likely otherwise end up in our landfill.
Gull Lake Landfill The Town of Gull Lake has a 13 acre landfill site located just east of Town. Residential waste collected in Town by AWS is hauled to Swift Current. The fees charged are based on size of load & where the garbage originated from (town vs rural) The landfill has a tree/ clean wood pile which is burned on an as needed basis Last year we started a compost site which has been popular for grass clippings