The best part about APC meetings. OER The best part about APC meetings.
OER? OER=Open-source Educational Resources Books Any other materials related to classes Usually Digital and fully online (may have a print option available) OER?
No materials cost for student in any courses needed for degree Most, if not all, material is digital Faculty teaching these classes will be restricted to using Open-source, Public Domain, or Creative Common licensed material. Some grants may be available for this implementation “Achieving the Dream OER Degree Initiative” Zero Cost Degree
Why It’s important for faculty Faculty are trapped with usually using a single textbook and stuck with the its structure Faculty can use several Creative Commons licensed textbooks Year after Year adjustments are easier for faculty Students won’t have cost issues as a deterrent Why It’s important for faculty
Why It’s important for students Students choose classes based on textbook cost Students don’t always buy the book Students will be looking at schools which offer more classes using free digital materials. However: students will be expected to use and have online access Why It’s important for students
Where is Pierce College right now A lot of interest in OER right now but only recently Not much uptake on OER classes by faculty Department textbooks be a few years out from looking at new materials. Evaluating new materials may take time and consensus No real idea which faculty are using free resources currently Too early to see if there have been any changes in student learning from faculty who have made the switch Where is Pierce College right now
How far out are we from going ZCD Based on current uptake and training participation: 2 academic years out from being able to support a fully Zero Cost Degree (maybe). How far out are we from going ZCD
How to find OER materials From the Pierce Library Home Page The Library as a starting point.
Library help! Image: UNESCO Global OER We can help with: Personalized step-by-step walkthrough through the process Finding sources AND materials Using the library databases Fair Use Questions Implementation Canvas Implementation Questions Stuff I can’t remember at the moment but is really good not included on this list.