Leadership for learning P.Robert-Jan Simons www.visieopleren.nl 26-4-2018
OECD, 2016 Distributive school leadership the ability of schools to incorporate different stakeholders in their decision-making processes: students, teachers / staff, Parents Instructional school leadership set of practices that principals use in relation to the improvement of teaching and learning.
What kind of school leadership in Estonia? Integrative school leadership distributive + instructional Instructional school leadership Instructional Distributive schoolleadership Involving students, teachers / staff and parents Administrative school leadership No distributive nor instructional leadership
Actions of instructional leadership
Kinds of school leadership in Estonia compared with other countries
OECD indicators for professional learning communities 1) teacher engagement in reflective dialogue 2) deprivatised practice 3) shared sense of purpose 4) collaborative activity 5) a collective focus on learning
Distributive leadership is related to: shared sense of purpose Instructional leadership is related to: reflective dialogues by teachers and collaboration More instructional leadership in practices of school leaders who participated in instructional leadership training
Lessons to be learned from this?
Lessons to be learned from this? More instructional leadership needed in Estonia Instructional leadership training helps
Recent study in Harvard Business review on effects of leadership in UK https://hbr.org/2016/10/the-one-type-of-leader-who-can-turn-around-a-failing-school
Accountant Architect Philosopher Soldier Surgeon invest and grow, focusing on the top line. Architect redesign and transform, focusing on long-term impact Philosopher debate and discuss, focusing on values Soldier trim and tighten, focusing on the bottom line. Surgeon cut and redirect, focusing on test scores.
During tenure: soldiers
1 year later: Architects and some philosophers
2 years later: architects
3 years later: architects
Accountant Architect Philosopher Soldier Surgeon Effects on revenues, but not exam results Architect Long term effects, both financially and performance Philosopher Nothing changes Soldier Short term financial results only, but no long term effects Surgeon Short term perfomance results, but disasters on the long term
Lessons to be learned from this?
Lessons to be learned from this? Architects achieve more Long term perspective of architects seems essential Many of the architects come from outside of education (after a career in business) Leadership for learning as perspective needed for this long term perspective Architects are not recognised, don’t get medals
Leadership for learning
Leadership for learning centres: Wisconsin (US): https://www.leadershipforlearning.org/page/learn_more Cambridge (UK): http://www.educ.cam.ac.uk/centres/lfl/ OECD, 2016: http://www.keepeek.com/Digital-Asset-Management/oecd/education/school-leadership-for-learning_9789264258341-en#.WA5KFpOLRE8 Austria, Scotland, New Sealand, Australia, Netherlands
Leadership for learning (Knapp et al) https://depts. washington Establishing a Focus on Learning Building Professional Communities that Value Learning Engaging External Environments that Matter for Learning Acting Strategically and Sharing Leadership Creating Coherence 26-4-2018
Teacher leadership as consequence of distributive school leadership Teachers Who coach and mentor colleagues Who develop materials and tests Who are involved in innovating teaching and learning, i.e. digital learning Who initiate and execute practical collective research Who initiate professional learning communities Who are involved in professional development of colleagues
Teacher leaders
7 domains of teacher leadership:
What changes are needed in education?
Top 10, according to research: From fixed to growth mindset From summative to formative assessment From evaluation to feedback culture From different outcomes to mastery learning From surface to deep learning From content to general skills such as creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, environmental awareness, digital literacy, etc. From general to personalised learning From individual work to communites of practice From intuitive to data driven teaching From f2f to digital learning
1. Dweck’s Mindsets about the mind as base Fixed mindset Growth mindset
Mindsets 50-50 % Dependent on topic Dependent on environment (feedback) Unconscious: discover your own fixed mindsets Discover how you have fixed mindsets for others