Collecting and Managing Data 21 slides Chapter 11 Collecting and Managing Data 21 slides
Collecting and analyzing data Develop an effective questionnaire and cover letter. Conduct a data-gathering interview. Construct clear, concise, and accurate tables. Determine the most effective chart form and construct any needed charts. Interpret the data for the report reader. Business and Professional Writing <#> 1
Constructing questionnaire items Necessary Not: What percentage of new start-up com-panies failed in Michigan last year? (question of fact) But: What percentage of new start-up com-panies do you think failed in Michigan last year? (question of opinion) Business and Professional Writing <#> 2
Questionnaire items Unbiased Not: Do you think new companies fail primarily because of a lack of adequate funding? But: What do you think is the major reason that new companies fail? OBER, CONTEMPORARY BUSINESS COMMUNICATION, 6/E. COPYRIGHT © HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 11.3 Business and Professional Writing <#> 3
Questionnaire items (cont’d) Unambiguous Not: Do you think it takes a long time for the average start-up firm to secure financing? But: How many months do you think it takes the average start-up company to secure financing? Business and Professional Writing <#> 4
Questionnaire items (cont’d) Exhaustive and mutually exclusive Not: How many months did it take you to secure financing for your new company? __ 4 months __ 4-6 months __ more than 6 months But: How many months did it take you to secure financing for your new company? __ 0-4 months __ 5-6 months __ more than 6 months Business and Professional Writing <#> 5
Questionnaire items (cont’d) One idea Not: Banks should set aside more funds for start-up companies because they are so important to the economy. __ agree __ no opinion __ disagree But: Banks should set aside more funds for start-up companies. __ agree __ no opinion __ disagree Business and Professional Writing <#> 6
Interview questions Open versus closed Open: How were you treated by the loan officer? Closed: Do you feel you were treated fairly by the loan officer? Business and Professional Writing <#> 7
Interview questions (cont’d) Direct versus indirect Direct: What is your opinion of First National Bank? Indirect: How do you think most entrepreneurs feel about First National Bank? Business and Professional Writing <#> 8
Interview questions (cont’d) Probing Could you give me an example? What do you mean by that? Why? In what way? Business and Professional Writing <#> 9
HASCO EMPLOYMENT LEVELS Format of a table Table Number Table 3 HASCO EMPLOYMENT LEVELS As of December 10, 2005 Employee Type Total By Department Annual Admin Prod Sales Change Full-time nonexempt 389 27 345 17 -3.0% Full-time exempt 143 19 15 109 13.5% Temporary 31 4 22 5 5.3% Othera 21 13 8 -1.6% 584 63 382 139 5.9% Source: Madison County Facts—2001, Metropolitan State University Press, St. Louis, MO, 2001, p. 183. a Includes all special-project and work-for-hire employees. Cross-tabulations Title Subtitle Column Headings Source (optional) Footnote (optional) Business and Professional Writing <#> 10
Line chart Figure 1. Employee Distribution: 2001-2007 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Nonexempt Exempt No. of Employees Figure 1. Employee Distribution: 2001-2007
Bar chart Figure 1. Employee Distribution: 2005–2006 50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Nonexempt Exempt Temporary Other 2005 2006 No. of Employees Figure 1. Employee Distribution: 2005–2006
Pie chart Figure 1. Employees by Type
Key terms bar chart cross-tabulation questionnaire interview guide line chart pie chart questionnaire survey table visual aids Business and Professional Writing <#> 14
Bar chart Figure 4. No. of Employees Rating Banking Services as Very Important
S URBAN SYSTEMS U LAB 11 test Not too many years ago, computers were something of an of- fice novelty, most office workers then performed one major visual task the reading of black characters printed on white paper laid flat or nearly flat on a desk. novelty. Most (RUN-ON) task: (EXP) Business and Professional Writing
S U Office workers now spend there days looking into a monitor URBAN SYSTEMS U Office workers now spend there days looking into a monitor who’s screen is almost perpendicular to the desk. Some screens still display low-contrast green characters on a dark background. The higher the contrast, the easier faster and more accurately a worker can perform their visual tasks. Their (WORD) Whose (WORD) easier, faster, (SER) his or her (AGR) Business and Professional Writing
S U While the electric illumination produced by a buildings URBAN SYSTEMS U While the electric illumination produced by a buildings system may be ideal for performing paper tasks they could create conditions inappropriate for computer-based tasks. Managers must recognize that office lighting have many qualities but the dif- ferences aren't apparent in a cursory survey of the work area. Glare creates visual discomfort. Which is often subtle, due building’s (SING POSS) tasks, (INTRO) It (AGR) Has (AGR) qualities, (IND) discomfort, which (FRAG) Business and Professional Writing
S U to your eyes amazing ability to except relatively-poor viewing URBAN SYSTEMS U to your eyes amazing ability to except relatively-poor viewing conditions. Tiny ocular muscles react to lighting and causes the eyes to adapt, minimizing viewing problems. Long term viewing problems however cause these muscles to become strained. These conditions can make the workplace far less hospitable, and can have a damaging affect on productivity and moral. In addition, a productivity loss of one percent in a payroll of $1,000,000.00 costs the company $10000 annually. eyes’ (PLUR POSS) accept (WORD) relatively poor (ADJ) Cause (AGR) Long-term (COMP) problems, however, (TRAN) hospitable (NO COMMA) effect (WORD) morale. (SPELL) (NO.FIGURE) $1 million (NO.FIGURE) $10,000 (NO.FIGURE) Business and Professional Writing
End: Chapter 11 PPT (Total of 21 Slides) Business and Professional Writing