By Reuben and Emmalyn Leonard Sigmund Freud By Reuben and Emmalyn Leonard
Biography Noted as “Father of Psychoanalysis” Born 6th of May 1856, died of cancer in 1939 on 23rd of September Born it what is now Pribor in the Czech republic Studied at the University of Vienna in 1873 Created the idea of the “id”, “ego”, and “superego” Throughout life, analyzed himself and others with the human’s relationship with aggressive and sexual impulses
Id The id - primitive personality that deals with sex (life) and aggression (death) Newborn children only have Id Pure biological impulse Unchanged throughout life; It’s simply a pleasure principle
Ego The part of id directly modified by the outside world Checks impulsive and fantasy-based ideas from id Works with decision making and reason Still a pleasure principle, but is realistic in achievement of pleasure Less powerful than id
Superego 2 Main parts of superego: Conscience and Ideal Self More moralistic, less so realistic Gaining of control of id’s impulses that are forbidden Develops during phallic stage of psychosexual development Conscience Keeps ego in check (if ego acts on id, person becomes guilty) Ideal self (ego-ideal) Imaginary ideal person one thinks that they ought to be Punishment of falling short includes sadness and guilt LARGELY determined by childhood
Personal Response His research has proved crucial to how we understand the human mind and how we mature today, as he focused on a very unique and difficult topic in relation to how the human mind matures from birth Even though his theories are incredibly controversial, his development of these ideas of such a unique field helps us know who we are.
How he researched Freud discovered Shakespeare and was fascinated with how he observed human nature Freud became a therapist and developed his theories based on how his patients responded He traveled the globe with fellow psychologists, conducting various experiments related to hypnosis and treatment.
Psychosexual Stages of development Although called the Psychosexual Stages, not all stages are purely sexual in nature; stages based on the id, and one’s desires for satisfaction Lack of satisfaction will lead to unusual fixation on a stage What satisfies a child changes with age Libido - one’s desire for pleasure
Oral Stage (Ages 0-1) Libido based on desire to put things in mouth (food, toys, fingers, etc.) Oral fixation is sometimes developed later in life in the form of desire to smoke, bite nails, or overeat; made worse by stress
Anal Stage (Ages 1-3) Libido based on freedom to defecate anywhere (diapers) When being potty trained, this stage comes to a head; authority figure is opposing the desires of a child Ego develops; child is starting to face conflict with authority “Anal-retentive” - term describing people that are overly organized and clean; associated with a suppressed anal stage by authority “Anal-expulsive” - term describing people that are overly messy and giving; associated with lax authority over anal stage
Phallic Stage (ages 3-6) Children become aware of sexual-mechanical differences between genders Conflict between attraction, resentment, jealousy, fear Interest in sexual self pleasure Superego develops Oedipus Complex - boys develop sexual curiosity around mother; imitate father, feel competition with father for mother’s attention Castration Anxiety - boy becomes obsessed with control over penis Electra Complex - girl desires father, but realizes she doesn’t have a penis; develops personality like mother after resenting mother for being a girl Penis Envy - desire by girls to be a boy based on both physical interest and desire for power
Latency Stage (Ages 6-11) Libido is dormant; sexual impulses repressed by superego Development of friendships with peers of the same sex
Genital Stage (ages 11-adult) Sexual experimentation; ultimate goal of “settling down” Heterosexual interest Fixation on earlier stage may be present
Freud’s family Freud had six children. His theories were developed before they were born, but Freud continued to observe his children as a way of perfecting his ideas. He focused mostly on his sons and their development, as his theories tended to be based on the male child.