Sigmund Freud’s Psychodynamic Theory of Personality Insert three images that give the reader a preview of what’s to come in the PowerPoint
Definition Summarize Freud’s psychodynamic theory of personality- Define
Conscious Versus Unconscious Forces Summarize Conscious Thoughts- Define Unconscious Forces- Define Unconscious Motivation- Define
Techniques to Discover the Unconscious Summarize
Insert an image that helps explain the term Free Association Summarize Insert an image that helps explain the term
Insert an image that helps explain the term Dream Interpretation Summarize Insert an image that helps explain the term
Insert an image that helps explain the term Freudian Slips Summarize Insert an image that helps explain the term
Divisions of the Mind- Id, Ego, Superego Summarize
Insert an image that helps explain the term Id: Pleasure Seeker Summarize Id-define Pleasure Principle-define Insert an image that helps explain the term
Insert an image that helps explain the term Ego: Executive Negotiator Summarize Ego-define Reality Principle-define Insert an image that helps explain the term
Insert an image that helps explain the term Superego: Regulator Summarize Disagreements Superego-define Insert an image that helps explain the term
Insert an image that helps explain the term Anxiety Summarize Anxiety-define Insert an image that helps explain the term
Insert an image that helps explain the term Defense Mechanisms Summarize explanation of Defense Mechanisms to Conclusions-don’t cover them on this slide-preview slides 14-20 Defense Mechanisms-define Insert an image that helps explain the term
Rationalization Define- Insert and image above to help explain
Denial Define Insert and image above to help explain
Repression Define Insert and image above to help explain
Projection Define
Reaction Formation Define
Displacement Define Insert and image above to help explain
Sublimation Define Insert and image above to help explain
Insert an image that helps explain the term Developmental Stages-Dealing with Conflicts Summarize Psychosexual stages-define Insert an image that helps explain the term
Insert an image that helps explain the term Fixation Summarize Fixation-define Insert an image that helps explain the term
Five Developmental Stages Summarize all five here up through the Summary 1 Oral 2 Anal 3 Phallic Boys- Girls- 4 Latency 5 Genital Summary
Disagreements Summarize
Carl Jung Summarize Collective Unconscious-define
Alfred Adler Summarize
Karen Horney Summarize
Freudian Theory Today 1 How Valid Is Freud’s Theory?
Freudian Theory Today 2 How Important Are the First Five Years?
Freudian Theory Today 3 Are there Unconscious Forces?
Freudian Theory Today 4 What was Freud’s Impact?