How to Answer a Question: the three-part strategy
First things first… Read the question, and then read it again to determine exactly what is being asked. One comprehension question will often have several questions built into it. Make a checklist of how many questions are really being asked, so that you are sure to answer everything! Then, follow these steps:
the three-part strategy Begin your answer with a topic sentence that restates the question. 2. Use a concrete detail from the text to support your answer. Provide commentary (explain the importance of) the concrete detail as it relates to your answer. Continue to use support and commentary until all parts of the question are answered.
What are three reasons that prove Kennedy High is a great school? Kennedy High is a great school for many reasons. For one thing, Kennedy has excellent teachers who genuinely care about the success of their students (1). That means that you can always find teachers here before and after school willing to offer help. Another reason Kennedy is so great is that it offers a variety of activities to get involved in (2). Students can join a sport, band, choir, ASB, FBLA, and many other groups on campus. Additionally, Kennedy has lots of school spirit, which makes attending school each day much more fun (3)!
three-part answer Kennedy High is a great school for many reasons. For one thing, Kennedy has excellent teachers who genuinely care about the success of their students. That means that you can always find teachers here before and after school willing to offer help. Another reason Kennedy is so great is that it offers a variety of activities to get involved in. Students can join a sport, band, choir, ASB, FBLA, and many other groups on campus. Additionally, Kennedy has lots of school spirit, which makes attending school each day much more fun! Topic Sentence 2. Concrete Detail 3. Commentary (explanation)
Practice #1 - CARS Successful rookie racer Lightning McQueen has just won a 3-way tie with elder rival Chick Hicks and champ "The King", for the coveted Piston Cup, but due to his bad attitude, his ignored pit-crew desert him. Accidentally lost en route to California for the tie-breaker race, he crashes through Radiator Springs on Route 66, destroying the road and some property. Forced to remain in town until he repairs the damage, Lightning is stuck in a small community whose tight-knit inhabitants accept neither his selfishness nor bad attitude. Initially refusing to respect them, he eventually returns the friendship of redneck Mater, a tow truck, and falls in love with Sally, a feisty Porsche. Lightning learns that there is more to life than winning, and that true friendship is the real prize.
Question: How does the character of Lightning McQueen change throughout the movie CARS? Consider his attitude when he first arrives in Radiator Springs and how his behavior toward the community changes as he gets to know them better. What does Lightning McQueen learn during his stay in Radiator Springs?
Read the question again Read the question again! This question has 3 tasks built in, and you must answer all of them! How does the character of Lightning McQueen change throughout the movie CARS? Consider his attitude when he first arrives in Radiator Springs and how his behavior toward the community changes as he gets to know them better. What does Lightning McQueen learn during his stay in Radiator Springs? Take a few minutes to brainstorm – we’ll answer the question together in a minute…
Brainstorm Topic Sentence: ____________________ Concrete Details: ___________________ Commentary:_______________________ Did you address all 3 parts of the question?
three-part answer Lightning McQueen undergoes a personality change for the better throughout the movie CARS. McQueen arrives in Radiator Springs, or as he calls it, “hillbilly hell,” sullen and self-centered, thinking he is better than others because he is a race car. He sees no problem in criticizing the townsfolk and putting down their town. As he spends time fixing the road, however, he sees how the other cars help and depend on one another, and in the process befriends Mater, who takes him tractor tipping, and Sally, who shows him that it is fun to slow down once in a while. Their willingness to accept McQueen and like him despite his faults, teaches McQueen that relationships are much more important than winning races. McQueen’s transformation is obvious when at the final race, he forgoes the win in order to help an injured race car, proving that he has learned the lessons of friendship, loyalty, and respect.