Prof Hany Hasan : Prof of Thoracic surgery Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams Uninersity
What is lung cancer? Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in one or both lungs. These abnormal cells do not carry out the functions of normal lung cells and do not develop into healthy lung tissue.
Facts about lung cancer Lung cancer is the most common cancer in males and the second most common cancer in females after breast cancer. If lung cancer is detected at an early stage, it has a much better chance of being cured.
What do patients with lung cancer complain of = symptoms? Remember that the most common symptom in early lung cancer is to have NO SYMPTOMS.
How to doctors stage a lung cancer patient? They use a staging system (We call it TNM staging system in lung cancer) 4 stages The earlier the stage, the better the chance of cure, for example stage 1 means a small lung cancer in a part of the lung while stage 4 means the cancer has gone out of the lungs to spread to other parts of the body.
How to doctors know a person has lung cancer? Patients can be complaining of symptoms of lung cancer Doctors preform special tests to see the cancer in the lung. PET scan which covers the whole body CT scan to a special site of the body
How to doctors know a person has lung cancer? Special tests to take part of the cancer and put it under the microscope to analyse it and know the exact type. SPECIAL CAMERA TEST CALLED BRONCHOSCOPY
How is lung cancer generally treated? Surgery (cutting the cancer out of the body) Chemotherapy (drugs that can kill cancer cells) Radiotherapy (special waves that burn cancer cells)
My 5 tips to avoid lung cancer Never smoke OR STOP smoking NOW (Keeping away from smoking is the single most important factor to protect you from developing lung cancer) SMOKERS HAVE A 30 TIMES MORE CHANCE OF HAVING A LUNG CANCER IN THEIR LIFE
My 5 tips to avoid lung cancer Keep away from passive smoking (Passive smoking for 30 minutes continuously is like smoking one cigarette!!)
My 5 tips to avoid lung cancer Eat lots of vegetables and fruits = A healthy diet (They all full of anti-oxidants which can protect your lungs from developing cancer cells)
My 5 tips to avoid lung cancer Preform at least 15 minutes of regular exercise every day (Improves blood supply to your lungs which helps to protect you from lung cancer)
My 5 tips to avoid lung cancer Education about lung cancer and how to avoid it (Lung cancer awareness among societies reduces the chances of people in those societies developing lung cancer)
My 5 tips to help cure from lung cancer Early detection is best indicator of increasing chances of cure (The most important factor) So smoking men above the age of 40 should have a chest X ray annually as a part of their check up.
My 5 tips to help cure from lung cancer Surgery is the best chance to have a cure from lung cancer (Surgery means cutting the cancer out of your body by taking part of the lung out)
My 5 tips to help cure from lung cancer Visit a specialist (Specialized people can give you more expert opinions and offer you advanced therapies) For example surgery for lung cancer now is done by key hole technology
My 5 tips to help cure from lung cancer Speak to people who have had a similar experience (Group therapy)= Remember your mental status has an impact on your health status
Dr Hany Hasan MBBcH.MSc.MD.MRCS.FRCS Cth Associate professor of chest surgery – Ain Shams University – Egypt Consultant Thoracic surgeon and Lead of the lung cancer service – Leeds – United Kingdom