Wireless Power Driven Car or Train Submitted By
Introduction The main objective of this project is to transfer power wirelessly to one or more DC motors for an electric car or train without requiring any fuel /battery or electrical connection to run it in a specified path by inductive resonance coupling at the ground level fixed coil developing a 40 KHz power from the mains AC source. Many people use pace makers implanted in their body that runs on a battery. This project is designed to charge a rechargeable battery wirelessly . This project is formed out of an ac 230 volt 50 Hz to ac 20 KHz at 18 volt circuit. But in the project a LAMP is provided in place of a battery charging arrangement for better visibility.
Contents Introduction Block diagram Hardware requirements Power supply Schematic diagram Working of the project Advantages Applications Conclusion
Block diagram
High-Frequency Transformer The high frequency transformer is used for develop High frequency from 230v 50Hz to 12v to 40 MHz frequency
PWM Inverter IC The PWM Inverter is used to develop the PWM pulses based on a fixed frequency using common oscillator The IC SG3524 operates at a fixed frequency, the oscillation frequency is determined by one timing resistor RT and one timing capacitor CT. The SG3524 contains an inbuilt 5V regulator that supplies as a reference voltage, also providing the SG3524 internal regulator control circuitry. Comparator provides a linear control of the output pulse width (duration) by the error amplifier. The resultant PWM pulse from the comparator is passed to the corresponding output pass transistor (Q1, Q2 refer block diagram) using the pulse steering flip flop, which is synchronously toggled by the oscillator output.
Inverter IC Block Diagram
MOSFET(IRF 510) The metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET, MOS-FET, or MOS FET) is a device used for amplifying or switching electronic signals The basic principle of the device a voltage on the oxide-insulated gate electrode can induce a conducting channel between the two other contacts called source and drain It is by far the most common transistor in both digital and analog circuits, though the bipolar junction transistor was at one time much more common.
Hardware Components description 1.Design of HF transformers
Hardware Components description 2. Using In4007 as Bridge rectifier 3. Capacitors Filter(470µf) 4. 5v Regulator 5. Relay
11. Capacitor
Description of HF transformers Electric power transmission over long distances. High-voltage direct-current HVDC power transmission systems Large, specially constructed power transformers are used for electric arc furnaces used in steelmaking. Rotating transformers are designed so that one winding turns while the other remains stationary. A common use was the video head system as used in VHS and Beta video tape players. These can pass power or radio signals from a stationary mounting to a rotating mechanism, or radar antenna.