The GRANDproto35 experiment


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Presentation transcript:

The GRANDproto35 experiment Related talks: GRAND (Ke Fang ) TREND (Sandra Le Coz) The GRANDproto35 experiment A preparatory phase for the Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection Quanbu GOU on behalf of the GRAND collaboration ICRC2017, July 14, 2017

Earth-skimming neutrino detection nt Goal: search for cosmic neutrinos Detection principle: n-induced tau decays in atmosphere generate ~horizontal extensive air showers. [Fargion astro-ph/99066450, Bertou astro-ph/0104452] Issues: VERY seldom events Earth-skimming trajectories (m.f.p.(n) <~1000km) See Ke Fang’s GRAND talk

Size of the neutrino detector is a key parameter. >10000 km²? The GRAND project Size of the neutrino detector is a key parameter. >10000 km²? - technical capacity? - topology? Ulastai 200000 antennas deployed on « hotspots » (sites with favorable topography) See Ke Fang’s GRAND talk

GRAND challenges Main issues for GRAND: GRAND neutrino detection is based on autonomous radiodetection of ~horizontal air showers. This requires: Proper background rejection / event identification (online or offline) Proper geometry reconstruction (mostly crictical for CR physics) Solving technological challenges for a 200kAntennas array: trigger, data collection, maintenance, … GRANDproto35 target!

EAS radio detection with the GRANDproto35 Context: autonomous radio-detection of EAS so far with limited efficiency: ~10% for TREND (See S. Le Coz talk). Identified causes: Large background rates kill DAQ live time Air shower selection cuts strongly affect detection efficiency (~40% survival for TREND) GRANDproto35: dedicated set-up for air shower autonomous radiodetection with high-efficiency + high-purity

q = 65°, f = 8° The GRANDproto35 setup Antennas Scintillators Using polarization measurements for background rejection Principle: Wave triggers 5+ antennas Reconstructed direction of origin & polarization (h,b) @ trig’d antennas location: h = atan(max|Vy|/max|Vx|) b = atan(max|Vplane|/max|Vz|) x (EW) y (NS) z P h b

GRANDproto35 radio array 3D antennas (SUBATECH design, Xi’An prod) Reconstruction of full polarization info Additionnal signature for EAS/background rejection E ┴ v E ┴ B E 3-polar bow-tie antennas

If experimental values matches computed ones within : EAS tag For all trig’d antennas, compute expected h and b from simulated voltage, assuming signal due to EAS. If experimental values matches computed ones within : EAS tag Off-line validation of EAS candidates with scintillator array (select high-energy sample)  Quantitative evaluation of EAS identification Sim Vx Gu Junhua Sim Vx + noise Sim Vy Expected h for E field Expected h for voltage Expected h for voltage + noise Sim Vy + noise Simulated shower 1017 eV, [65°,8°] Sim Vz Sim Vz + noise

Short waves GRANDproto35 DAQ DAQ system (LPNHE design & proto, French company prod) Trigger on 30-100MHz analog signal Front end digitization GPS timing Enveloppe detection 100% duty cycle up to ~20kHz Simulated signal at filter output Simulated signal at ADC output (50MS/s) Simulated signal at power detector output

GRANDproto35 DAQ Lab tests: >95% recording rate for trigger rates up to 20kHz. On site tests: 100% of events recorded for ~few hours data taking test baseline level exhibits clear daily fluctuation as expected from Galactic Plane transit in antenna field of view: system is sensitive & stable. Onsite DAQ test: Trigger rate == record rate 0 events lost out of ~120k X arm Y arm Z arm 1.8µs waveform 3.6µs waveform Lab test

AERA DAQ @ GRANDproto35 3 units deployed summer 2016 Confirms excellent electromagnetic environment at GRANDproto35 site. Clustering of polarisation measurement is promising. AUGER-AERA DAQ

Scintillator array 21+3 air light-guide scintillator (tilted orientation) 6 already deployed for tests

>95% efficiency for E>2 1017 eV Scintillator array Zenith (top) and azimuth (bottom) distributions of events reconstructed with the 6-scintillators prototype array . Expected efficiency of the scintillator array for cosmic ray showers with an incoming direction within ±20 ° from North, zenith angle 70 ° > q > 40◦. >95% efficiency for E>2 1017 eV 3-fold coincidences are shown in red, larger multiplicities in green

Provided funding on time! Timeline LONG road requiring several validation steps: GRANDproto35 (2018-2020): Validate efficient automous radio detection R&D: autonomous stations with optimized sensitivity to inclined showers. Physics: precise polarization info of EAS radio emission GRANDproto300 (starting ~2020): 300 antennas. Validate very inclined CR shower detection R&D: GRAND trigger & data transfer. First GRAND hotspot (target: 2025): Full scale deployment (~10000km²) on one hotspot Validate setup design Physics: neutrino discovery instrument. Full setup (200’000km²) (203x): Could very well be splitted on different sites in the world. Detection unit target price: <500$/unit  ~100M$ project budget range Provided funding on time!

GRAND people Strong institutions from China (NAOC, IHEP) 35 physicists working on a GRAND white paper (release early 2018). You are welcome to join! GRAND white paper workshop, IAP May 2017

Conclusion Thanks for your attention! GRANDproto6 (6 antennas + 6 scintillators ) deployed for hardware tests  OK GRANDproto35: a dedicated set-up for air shower autonomous radiodetection with high- efficiency + high-purity Developments and tests of the detector parts are completed, and deployment is beginning. The full GRANDproto35 array is expected to start taking data early 2018. Thanks for your attention!


Environment cuts Bckgd events strongly correlated in time & space Consecutive coincs: reject EAS candidate if 1+ coinc with 4+ antennas in common within 30s. Same direction events: reject EAS candidate if 1+ coinc with 2+ antennas in common and |Dj|<10° within 10 minutes.

DIRECTION RECONSTRUCTION RADIO PERFORMANCES: DIRECTION RECONSTRUCTION Plane track reconstruction : - 3037 events in 4 minutes Θ > 60° Max multiplicity: 40 Point source recons mult ≥ 22 antennas σ = 0.7° Total angular resolution <1.5° on the track (and improves with smaller zenithal angle) Estimated antenna trigger timing error: ±10ns

Discriminating parameters Spherical wave recons: point source reconstruction of backgrd sources close to array, EAS more distant. Signal shape: prompt signal for EAS Data: 45% killed Simu: 100% pass R>3000m Data: 66% killed R>3000m Simulated EAS: 92% pass