Pocket Pets All you need to know about these small critters! Winnecone High School Mr. Melby Adapted By: Mr. Behrends, Bruce Ag.
Bedding Pine or Aspen shavings Shredded paper Corn cob bedding
Feed Pelleted feed for all species Good quality hay (Timothy and alfalfa) These are high in Calcium which may cause kidney stones!
Teeth Care Rodents have constantly erupting teeth Chew blocks should be provided to prevent overgrowth
Rabbits Live 8-10 years Litter box trainable Can’t tolerate heat – suffer from heat stroke Coprophagy – eat night feces for Vitamin B Diseases: snuffles, hutchburn, sore hocks, etc.
Guinea Pigs Most popular pocket pet! Live 5-7 years 10 inches long and 2-3 pounds (largest pocket pet) Require additional Vitamin C in their diet Noisiest of pocket pets Health problems: scurvy, bladder stones
Ferret 2nd most common pocket pet Live 8-10 years Used for hunting rabbits and rodent control in barns Prefer hammocks for sleeping
Ferrets (continued) Normally spayed or neutered and DESCENTED! Unspayed females go in and out of heat and die of anemia Nocturnal and very curious
Ferrets (continued) Ferrets can be litter box trained Only pocket pet that needs to be vaccinated Distemper Rabies Keep toenails trimmed
Hamster Live 2-3 years 6 inches in length Stubby tail is distinguishing characteristic Nocturnal Cheek pouches Sensitive to temperature
Rats Live 2-4 years 8 inches in length Hairless tail about the length of their body Suffer from tumors Require more human attention than typical pocket pets
Mice Live 1-3 years Only 3 inches long Long, hairless tail Prefer living with others, although males fight if kept together
Mama Mouse
Hedgehogs Live 4-6 years 5-8 inches in length Not as common as a pet anymore Insectivores – insects make up a majority of their diet
Hedgehogs (continued) Backs are covered with rows of short, prickly spines Bellies covered with soft fur When threatened, roll into a tight ball with mass of spines poking out
Gerbil Live 2-3 years Usually 4 inches long Furry tail almost as long as the body Resemble kangaroos From deserts of Mongolia – prefer tub of sand to play in
Chinchilla Live up to 15 years Short bodied, tail, and ears; long fur Nocturnal Shed once every 3 months Need volcanic dust for grooming No toenails
Chinchillas (continued) From Andes of South America Inca Indians raised for fur – now raised on ranches 120-150 pelts to make a women’s full length coat
Chinchilla Pictures