PEERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION On the basis of current psychological research into human relations most employees in large public agencies have certain definite needs if they are to remain satisfied and motivated. At a minimum they must have a sense of security, a sense of success and a sense of belongingness, all of which are probably mutually related in some way. O.G. Stahl
PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION Personnel Administration is the part of acquiring, developing and maintaining a competent work force in such a manner as to accomplish with maximum efficiency and economy the functions and objectives of the organization.
Scope of Personnel Administration Manpower Planning Recruitment Training and Development Environmental Linkage Compensation General Employee Services Job Satisfaction/motivation/ organisation Compliance with Government Legislation Industrial Relations
Importance of Personnel Administration Good administration is a composite of effective organization, adequate material facilities and qualified personnel. Even poorly devised machinery may be made to work if it is manned with well trained, intelligent , imaginative and devoted staff. On the other hand, the best planned organization may produce unsatisfactory results, if it is operated by mediocre or disgruntled people .
Recruitment-methods Merit System Adequate Publicity Opportunity to apply Realistic standards No discrimination Ranking on the basis of ability Knowledge of results
Advantages Administration on scientific lines and increases efficiency Right person at right place, full justice. Neutral administrative structure No temptation to make quick money as job is permanent, till retirement.
Spoil System Under this system public office is considered and used as spoils to be enjoyed by the political party victorious at the polls. Merits Democratic Very simple Consistent with party govt. Responsibility of official to public
Demerits: Spirit of public service is completely damped. Principles of efficiency and economy are replaced by party consideration, group adjustment and personal caprice. Lack of responsibility due to short tenure Vested interest of major political parties
Education System The recruitment of the civil servants on the basis of having some particular educational qualifications prior to entry. Professionalism Specialization Expertise
Selection Interview Intelligence tests Performance test Aptitude test Past record Interview Intelligence tests Performance test Aptitude test Personality tests
Recruitment and selection in Pakistan Four Avenues of Recruitment Direct Recruitment (central Superior Service) Military Recruitment: (10% of grade 17 & 18 posts on permanent and regular basis) Recruitment at higher level (Advertisement against vacancies) Ad hoc Recruitment (on temporary basis)
Selection Criteria Selection Examination Interview Medical Examination Open Competition Quota System Selection Examination Interview Medical Examination
Kinds of Training Informal Training Formal Training Pre entry Training Orientation Training In Service Training Refresher Courses
Kinds of Training in Pakistan Pre entry Training Civil Service Academy education socialization Specialised Training Concludes with the examination by FPSC
Kinds of Training in Pakistan In service Training National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) Training period 14-16 weeks Pakistan Administrative Staff College. Training period 20 weeks Refresher courses
PEERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION On the basis of current psychological research into human relations most employees in large public agencies have certain definite needs if they are to remain satisfied and motivated. At a minimum they must have a sense of security, a sense of success and a sense of belongingness, all of which are probably mutually related in some way. O.G. Stahl