Dr Gareth James ASPC lead on Audit
Developed Acanthamoeba Keratitis Christmas 2016 I now have only light perception in my previously dominant right eye Lost my depth perception, so no longer operating …. Talk of a corneal transplant in 2018….
Why bother doing Audit?
Why bother doing Audit? Self Improvement – BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE!
Why bother doing Audit? Self Improvement – BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE! Brings confidence to you and thus confidence to the patient
Why bother doing Audit? Self Improvement – BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE! Brings confidence to you and thus confidence to the patient Ticks the boxes for your CCG
Why bother doing Audit? Self Improvement – BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE! Brings confidence to you and thus confidence to the patient Ticks the boxes for your CCG Appraisal, Reaccreditation, Revalidation
Why bother doing Audit? Self Improvement – BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE! Brings confidence to you and thus confidence to the patient Ticks the boxes for your CCG Appraisal, Reaccreditation, Revalidation Win contracts!
Why bother doing Audit? Self Improvement – BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE! Brings confidence to you and thus confidence to the patient Ticks the boxes for your CCG Appraisal, Reaccreditation, Revalidation Win contracts! Feel good factor
CREDIBILITY Our Audit data collection and presentation is a major strength we have in the ASPC With your help we are compiling a large body of evidence we can present to any Hospital, CCG and even Government.
CREEDENCE How else can we prove to Commissioners that Surgery in the Community offers over Hospital based procedures : As good (if not better) service, A far more cost effective service, And a more positive patient experience??
CREEDENCE Than through AUDIT? How else can we prove to Commissioners that Surgery in the Community offers over Hospital based procedures : As good (if not better) service, A far more cost effective service, And a more positive patient experience?? Than through AUDIT?
Official ASPC Audits Vasectomy Audits Carpal Tunnel Audits RCGP Community-Based Surgery Audit (CBSA) Patient centred Skin Audit
Official ASPC VASECTOMY Questionnaires These started in 2009 We now have detailed audit on nearly 40,000 Vasectomies during that time I’ll be presenting this years audit covering over 8000 Vasectomies undertaken between: 1st April 2015 - March 31st 2016 on Saturday Vasectomy workshop session 3 (after lunch)
The New Official ASPC Carpel Tunnel Questionnaires We have the first set of results in for CTS audit for 2015-16 Not as many as I would hope, but it’s a start for this new audit, we still have feedback on some 750 CTS operations… Who else out there in the audience undertakes Carpal Tunnel? Please come and talk to me…..
The New Official ASPC Carpel Tunnel Questionnaires I will be presenting the results, and a reminder about the audits themselves in both Hand workshops via the magic of Video. I will pop along to the end of both sessions in case there are any questions arising. But feel free to grab me at any time during the Conference….
Patient Centred Skin Audit Last year at the conference I presented the new patient centred questionnaires for all those of us who undertake ANY type of skin procedures. Whilst Jonathon RCGP Community-Based Surgery Audit (CBSA) is all about the diagnosis and the subsequent outcomes this new official ASPC questionnaire audit is all centred about the patient‘s experience of the operation and their outcome
Patient Centred Skin Audit Patient Centred Skin Audit I have some figures from 2016 from 3 practices. I will presenting those to you all later in the day. Again, please and talk to me today at any time…
Survey Monkey NOT JUST FOR VASECTOMIES! I you are a paid member of ASPC, you have free access to the Survey Monkey website Have your surveys online via a web link Make up your own surveys Just STAY in your own folder If you want to be set up then email me: GtbVas@Yahoo.co.uk
Discussion points…… Tomorrow in both the Vasectomy session and the Hand Surgery sessions we hope to have time to discuss any difficult cases you have had this year. So if you have had a ‘bad day at the OR’ this year and are willing to talk about it, please write briefly what the story is and pass it to Soon for Vasectomies and Nanda for Hand surgery.
Finally…… The ASPC Council board needs a new recruit to lead on publishing. This would involve getting the ASPC more into the medical press to advertise our aims and successes. A place on the ASPC board awaits! I especially need someone to help me get some of the enormous ASPC Audit data I have complied get published. I have no experience, so need to someone who does! Not only that, but this person would need to work closely with me to turn the raw data I have into papers. And then take the lead in getting these papers into print. If you are interested please talk to any of the Council Members