Choral Soundscape By: Chelsey Morgan
Children’s Choir You Shall Have a Song Reasoning Harriet Ziegenhals Lyrics are simple Unison then breaks into 2 parts Perfect range for children’s voices
Middle School/Junior High Choir A Jubilant Gloria Mary Lynn Lightfoot Reasoning Latin text 2 part chorus Mixed meter Good range
High School Mixed Choir I Love My Love Gustav Holst Reasoning Very expressive Dynamic range Prominent soprano voices
World Music/Multicultural Choir Ramkali Indian Reasoning Challenging piece Very entertaining A men’s piece Very impressive if pulled off Unique Indian sounds/vocals in the beginning
Collegiate Choir - Mixed O waly, waly Traditional Arranged by John Rutter Reasoning Very quiet, shows dynamic range soft, piano feel Tests listening to one another and tuning Not predictable
Men’s Choir Brothers Sing On! Reasoning Edvard Grieg Arranged by Howard D. McKinney Reasoning Nice way to open a concert Can distinguish between all four parts
Women’s Choir No Rocks A-Cryin' Reasoning Rollo Dilworth Can move around Experiment/let it all out Goes pretty high towards the end
Symphonic Choir Symphony No. 1, “A Sea Symphony” Vaughan Williams A Song for All Seas, All Ships (baritone, soprano, and chorus) On the Beach at Night, Alone (baritone and chorus) Scherzo: The Waves (chorus) The Explorers (baritone, soprano, semi-chorus, and chorus) Vaughan Williams Reasoning Text is English, based on Walt Whitman’s poems Very bright, fanfarish at times Either soloist/chorus basically sings constantly
Professional Choirs The Swingle Singers (England) Reasoning Prelude No. 12 in F minor – Bach Reasoning Hip, younger group (8) Use neutral syllable to sing choral/instrumental pieces Different way of approaching classical works Very fun/modernized way of singing