1 Chronicles 21 1. How did Joab show his wisdom in trying to counsel David to do the right thing? He urged David not to count the fighting men. David was getting his security from power, not God. 2. After David confessed his sin, the Lord sent a prophet to him. The prophet was David’s own personal spiritual advisor, Gad. Gad announced to David that God was going to chasten him. What three choices did Gad give David to choose from? Why did David choose as he did? Three years of famine, three months of being swept away by enemies, three days of the sword of the Lord He was counting on God’s mercy
3. David’s insight in the Lord proved to be well founded. Explain. God’s mercy caused him to stop at Araunah’s threshing floor. 4. The beauty of this account lies in the location where the angel stopped his slaughter and in the person who asked for the Lord’s mercy, David (who on this occasion acted as king and priest). Where did the Lord put aside his anger? What is the significance of the burnt offering David offered here? How would this location become significant in the future? Is there any similar place in our lives? This is where Abraham offered Isaac. This is where the temple was built God’s mercy would always be there Perhaps our church?
1 Chronicles 22 1. The Lord did not allow David to build the temple. But David worked hard to prepare for it. Describe the first phase of David’s preparatory work. (verses 2-4) He gathered the wealth and material 2. What blessing would God give Solomon to enable him to carry on the work of building the temple? Why might this fact be a source of encouragement to the people of Ezra’s day? God blessed him with peace from enemies They too needed peace to rebuild the temple. 3. Verse 10 would also serve to encourage the builders in Ezra’s day. Why? Verse 13 would likewise be words Ezra’s people needed to hear. Why? This kingdom was going to last forever They were reminded to follow God’s Word and peace would continue
4. List the resources David gathered for the temple 4. List the resources David gathered for the temple. In a sense, the greatest resource is noted in verse 17. What did David give to Solomon as recorded in that verse? Men to do the work Authority to build and the support of wise men. How is this helpful to us today? 5. Evaluate this statement: Just as David planned for a magnificent temple suitable for a great God, so our church building should also reflect the glory of God. We should always bring our best 6. What is the value of peace in our day? It allows us to worship God and do his work
1 Chronicles 23 1. The total number of the Levites was 38,000, whom David divided into several large groups. Describe the duties of the Levites as they were divided up by David. 24,000 were to supervise the work of the temple 6,000 were to be officials and judges 4,000 were to be gate keepers 4,000 were to be musicians 2. Which were the three sons of Levi into which his clan was divided? Gershonites, Kohathites, and Merarites
3. Summarize the duties of the Levites according to verses 28-31. They were to tend to everything that had to do with the public worship of the Lord 4. Agree or disagree. Since all people in God’s church are not given the same role, some have a higher value in God’s eyes than others. False see 1 Corinthians 12 5. Evaluate: The church today is free to organize itself in any way it chooses. True, as long as it is fitting and orderly
1 Chronicles 24 1. Read Luke 1:5,8,9. How does 1 Chronicles 24:1-19 help us understand these verses? Zechariah was of the clan of Abijah and was chosen by lot 2. What impression might the mention of Nadab and Abihu have had on Ezra’s readers? They were to be governed and serve according to the Torah, just like before the exile 3. The priests could not function as they personally wished. In this respect, what point did Ezra make in verse 19? The Lord appointed their time to serve
4. In verse 20, Ezra returned to the Levites, whose organization he would spell out in the next two chapters. What point did Ezra make about the method of casting lots? (He had made the same point regarding how the lot for the priests was handled.) What point did he make in the last sentence of the chapter? What can we learn about this for the church’s work today? The lots were to be drawn in an open and honest way The service of everyone was e equally important We should strive to do all our work in an open and honest way and value the work of everyone.
1 Chronicles 25 1. Why is the gift of prophecy (proclaiming God’s Word) so closely linked with the ministry of the temple musicians? (See the references to prophecy in verses 1-4 and the fact that Heman was a “seer,” or prophet.) Their music was primarily a proclamation of God’s Word 2. Why might this chapter be a good one for church choir members to read often? Their music is a proclamation of God’s Word It is not entertainment Should we clap in church or not? Should we thank musicians or not?
3. The church council is concerned over the choir director’s request for more choir music. The budget is tight and the church already needs some new lighting for the sanctuary. Why might they want to read this chapter before making a decision on the choir director’s request? It is a reminder that music is used to proclaim the Word. 4. The congregation is small and the choir, as hard as they work, sometimes gets a few notes wrong (to put it mildly). Why might the congregation want to read over this chapter before they become too critical? It is also a reminder that we proclaim the Word in song, and the beauty (humanly speaking) is not the primary goal.
1 Chronicles 26 1. Note the emphasis on the word capable (verses 6,8). What does this tell us about the position of gatekeeper? They had qualifications, and the gatekeeper was an important position 2. How were the gatekeepers assigned which gates to watch? By lot. The put the choice in God’s hands 3. What applications do these verses have for present-day church ushers? for treasurers, financial secretaries, and offering counters? It is a reminder that all play an important role and are ways to honor the Lord. It should be seen as that.
1 Chronicles 27 1. Describe the organization of the army. What role did the army play in Israel’s worship life? They protected the people, so they could live their lives in service to the Lord and worship in peace. 2. What organization did David see to in verses 16 and following? How did this organization, like the army, serve the purpose of God’s church? The organization of the nation was vital so everyone could spend their time serving the Lord. Even the poor were looked after. What does this tell us about our work? 3. Note the list that begins in verse 25. Describe in general what these administrators were doing. (See in particular the closing sentence in this section, verse 31.) They cared for David’s personal things, so he could give his full time to governing.
4. Read 1 Timothy 2:2. Although we do not live in a theocracy and our armies do not play a sacred role as they did in Israel, God still uses them for the good of his church. What role does our government and its military play in God’s kingdom work? They protect us and allow us to live our live in service to the Lord. 5. Paul in 1 Corinthians 14:33 says, “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.” How does 1 Chronicles help you understand the “peace” Paul encourages on his church? This peace is realized when everyone is serving in their vocation.
1 Chronicles 28 1. See if you can follow the progression of the book. Read verse 1. Then note what comes after it. We see Ezra return to the topic of building a temple, which is where David’s whole organizational plan started back in chapter 22. With the people organized, he could now set about building the temple. 2. David called the ark of the covenant a “footstool of our God.” What picture does that bring to your mind? This is the place where the Lord met His people.
3. The lists found in 1 Chronicles are important because they establish order for God’s people. They set them apart from the Gentiles and organized the nation for service and worship. In some ways, however, the most important list is found here in verses 4-7. Explain. God chose, Israel, Judah, David, Solomon, and Christ (v7) 4. Israel did not always follow God’s commands in the days ahead. Yet the Lord saw to it that the list referred to in the previous question remained intact. How did he do that? Ezra was leading the people who were the connection to Christ.
5. How did David get the plans and specifications for the temple and its furnishings? The Lord put the plans on David’s heart and mind. 6. We have not been called on by the Lord to build a temple, yet David’s encouragement to Solomon also fits our lives as God’s people. How so? The Lord will be with us as we do His work.
1 Chronicles 29 1. Good leaders lead by example. How did David show himself to be a good leader? He gave an offering. 3,000 talents (1 talent = 60 lbs.)of gold Someone do the math. 2. David’s song to the Lord is filled with words of praise. Find as many as you can. Praise, father, everlasting, greatness and power, glory, majesty, splendor, all yours, exalted, head, etc.
3. Find the phrases in David’s prayer that match the following thoughts (verses 14-19). All our gifts for your temple come from you. 14 & 16 Only you can lead us to follow your ways. 18 & 19 You love a cheerful giver and keep the spirit of cheerful giving alive in us. 17 & 18 Nothing in our lives gives us a reason to be proud and self-satisfied. 15 Our ability to give has been given us by your grace. 17 & 18
4. The good example of one Christian often inspires other Christians to do the same. How did this work in David’s case (verses 6- 9)? What person in your congregation or from your past has provided an example for you to follow? ? 5. What can the Lord do for us as we worship, honor, and love him? (verses 25-28) He richly blesses us. He give wisdom and honor. He can enable us to enjoy our lives and find satisfaction in our work.