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Teammates December 20, 2015 Lee Bennett “Christmas 2015” Teammates December 20, 2015 Lee Bennett
Christmas Story Quiz: True/false 1.-The angel Michael appeared to Zacharias and to Mary. 2.-Mary was told to name her baby, Immanuel. 3.-Zacharias was told to name his son, John. 4.-Elizabeth wanted to name him, Zacharias. 5.-Tiberias was Emperor when Jesus was born. 6.-Mary rode to Bethlehem on a donkey. 7.-Joseph’s plan was to divorce Mary.
Christmas Quiz continued 8.-Joseph was told to name the baby, Jesus. 9.-The story of Jesus’ birth is told in all 4 gospel accounts. 10.-King Herod was delighted to welcome the wise men and to hear their stories. 11.-It is not known how many wise men there were. 12.-The shepherds and the wise men gathered around the baby Jesus in the manger.
Participants in the Nativity Zacharias Shepherds Elizabeth Wise men Angel Gabriel King Herod Joseph Soldiers Mary Simeon Caesar Augustus Anna Angelic Choir
Table Talk With whom do you identify in the Nativity? Why? In light of our extensive lessons on marriage by Dr. Gary Chapman, how would you rate Joseph and Mary in terms of their communication skills? Why? How was their impasse ultimately resolved?
Questions you may have? Why did He come? Why was He born in a stable? Why did foreign magi visit Him? Why were these shepherds the first to know about His birth?
Overview of the Nativity Story begins in Gen. 3:15: “I will put enmity between you & the woman, and between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head and you shall bruise him on the heel.” Isaiah 7:14: “God Himself will give you a sign…” Micah 5:2: “Oh Bethlehem Ephrathah…” Gal. 4:4: “In the fullness of time, God…”
Closing Song “Such a strange way to change the world” by 4Him (Next slide & click hyperlink)
“Such a strange way to change the world” by 4Him (Not embedded in slideshow) http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=A+strange+way+to+save+the+world+with+lyrics&view=detail&mid=D9169F9AD3A2D8C415F6D9169F9AD3A2D8C415F6&FORM=VIRE
Th-th-th-th-that’s all folks!