ANNOUNCEMENTS Note: Check Website for Upcoming Events
Church of the Living God Rockdale Goes To… Church of the Living God 434 Forest Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45229 Holy Convocation Thursday September 28th @ 6:30pm
Health Ministry Anyone interested in joining the Health Ministry, there will be a brief meeting Sunday September 17th following 11am service in the choir room. Please see Sis Cheryl Hutchins for more information.
Homecoming Homecoming is October 22nd We are asking for pledges towards Homecoming $50.00 per family or $30.00 per individual
Leadership Council Meeting Leadership Mgt. September 19, 2017 Leadership Council Meeting Every 3rd Tuesday of the Month
Five Seasons Sports Club Donation of $15 to register Men’s Conference: “Built to Serve” Men of Rockdale invite all men from 18 and up to come together in purpose and understanding. Choosing this day who we will serve, FOR AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE WE WILL SERVE THE LORD (Joshua 24:15). This conference is for men who are willing to accept the call and know that we are “Built to Serve.” Five Seasons Sports Club 11790 Snider Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45249 September 23rd , 10:00am – 4:00pm Donation of $15 to register Please see a Men of Rockdale for a registration form to sign-up. There will be Lunch Provided
Vision & Viddles Date: 10/14/17 Time: 5:30pm to 8:30pm Dinner: Bring Dish to Share *Drinks Provided About: We will be creating Marriage Visions Boards. All supplies will be provided.
Sis. Alexis Curry, Sis. Aungelique Tucker, Sis. Pat Christen, RBC Food Pantry Hours Sunday 9:45 AM to 1:00 PM Wednesday 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM Saturday 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM If you are in need please see a Deacon or Food Pantry Member Sis. Alexis Curry, Sis. Aungelique Tucker, Sis. Pat Christen, Sis. Alice Brown
Christmas Donation Fund! Starting in July, we will be taking donations towards are annual Christmas giving. Please see an usher or a bulletin with the giving envelope. You may also make a donation on the Rockdale Baptist Church website. rockdalebapistchurch.org All donations will go to helping our #RockLife family this Christmas season.
Sponsored By: MOR (Men of Rockdale) $5.00 for 1 $8.00 for 2 License Plate Fundraiser Sponsored By: MOR (Men of Rockdale) $5.00 for 1 $8.00 for 2
Business of the Month
Business of the Month
WEEKLY MINISTRIES & OUTREACH DAY OF THE WEEK TIME MINISTRY Monday 5:30pm Word in Motion Dance Ministry Monday (2nd) 11:30am Senior Citizens Potluck Tuesday 7:30pm D.E.W. (Divinely Enhanced Workers) Wednesday 7:00pm Bible Study T.A.G. (Teens After God) Thursday Choir Rehearsal Thursday (1st & 3rd) MOR (Men of Rockdale) Saturday (1st & 3rd) 3:00pm WOE (Women of Excellence) Saturday (2nd & 4th) 10:00 am 11:00am 12:00pm Kitchen Committee- 2nd Saturday Missionary Meeting- 4th Saturday CYD (Christian Youth Development) Youth Choir- 2nd Saturday WEEKLY MINISTRIES & OUTREACH
Please Remember to Pray for the Sick and Shut In! Announcements & Sick and Shut In, are located in your bulletin.