City Council PY 2017-18 Annual Action Plan Randy Mabson, Program Coordinator May 15, 2017
RECOMMENDATION Find that the recommended action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines per Section 15061(b)(3); Approve the Annual Action Plan, including the funding allocations set forth therein for Program Year 2017-2018 program activities under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) programs, for submittal to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); Approve the submittal of a grant application for CDBG Program Year 2017-2018 entitlement funds in the amount of $1,794,088;
Recommendation Approve the submittal of a grant application for ESG Program Year 2017-2018 entitlement funds in the amount of $160,921; Approve the submittal of a grant application for HOME Program Year 2017-2018 entitlement funds in the amount of $510,684; Authorize the City Manager to execute, and the City Clerk to attest, the Annual Action Plan (2017-2018), the grant applications, certifications, and any and all other documents deemed necessary by HUD to obtain the allocation of the aforementioned federal entitlement funds.
Annual Action Plan Annual Action Plan Sets forth the projected uses of funds for the coming program year, and addresses the available resources for program implementation, activities to be undertaken, program guidelines, and monitoring. The Plan addresses the efforts made toward accomplishing the goals and objectives included in the City’s Five-Year Consolidated Plan. Public Review and Comment Period April 13, 2017 through May 15, 2017 To date, no public comments have been received. public review and comment period was held from March 30 to May 2, 2016. To date no public comments have been received. Any comments received today regarding the Annual Action Plan into the final version before submission to HUD.
Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan Community Development Block Grant PUBLIC SERVICES # PROPOSER/PROPOSED PROJECT FUNDING AMOUNT 1 Boys & Girls Club of Pasadena Teen Program Expansion $40,000 2 FVO Solutions, Inc. Employment Services for Persons with Developmental Disabilities $25,000 3 Mothers’ Club Family Learning Center Two-Generation Family Services Program 4 Pasadena City College Project LEAP 5 Pasadena Unified School District Northwest Community Schools $100,000 6 Rose Bowl Aquatics Center Get in the Swim $31,905 7 YWCA Pasadena-Foothill Valley Girls Empowerment Program Subtotal $271,905 Seven (7) community agencies, two (2) educational institutions, and four (4) City Departments have been recommended to receive funding. A total of 16 proposed activities address housing rehabilitation, infrastructure improvements, economic development, public facility improvements, and community services for youth, families, and disabled persons.
Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan Community Development Block Grant # PROPOSER/PROPOSED PROJECT FUNDING AMOUNT PLANNING & ADMINISTRATION 8 Housing & Career Services Department CDBG Program Administration $308,417 (CDBG Entitlement) $45,000 (CDBG Program Income) 9 Housing Rights Center Fair Housing Program $50,400 10 Finance Department Section 108 Repayment $360,000 HOUSING 11 Housing & Career Services Department (MASH) Pasadena Single-Family Residential Rehabilitation (PSFRR) $625,000 PUBLIC FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS (NON-PUBLIC SERVICE) 12 Community Health Alliance of Pasadena (CHAP Care) Fair oaks Behavioral Health Expansion $100,000 PUBLIC FACILITY & INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (CITY SET-ASIDE) 13 Information Technology Department Public Park Wi-Fi (Phase 2) $217,925 14 Public Works Department Sidewalk Improvement (North Raymond Avenue) $200,000 15 Sidewalk Improvement (Northwest Pasadena) 16 El Centro Building Rehabilitation TOTAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATION $2,478,647
PROPOSER/PROPOSED PROJECT TOTAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATION Annual Action Plan Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Entitlement Funds # PROPOSER/PROPOSED PROJECT FUNDING AMOUNT HOMELESSNESS 1 Friends in Deed Homeless Prevention $20,000 2 Bad Weather Shelter $26,060 3 Door of Hope Rapid Re-Housing $50,000 4 Union Station Homeless Services Coordinated Entry System Outreach $28,300 5 Housing Works Street Outreach $12,500 6 Foothill Unity Center, Inc. $9,592 7 Housing & Career Services Department, City of Pasadena HMIS Management $2,400 8 ESG Administration $12,069 TOTAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATION $160,921
PROPOSED PROJECT/ACTIVITY TOTAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATION Annual Action Plan Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Entitlement Funds # PROPOSED PROJECT/ACTIVITY FUNDING AMOUNT AFFORDABLE HOUSING 1 HOME Administration (10% Annual Entitlement) $51,068 (HOME Entitlement) $11,602 (HOME Program Income) 2 Single-Family Rehabilitation Loan Program $250,000 3 Centennial Place Rehabilitation $74,962 4 Decker Court and Gil Court $1,272,686 TOTAL FUNDING RECOMMENDATION $1,660,318
Annual Action Plan 2017-2018 Annual Action Plan Goals & Funding Year 3 Goals Year 3 Funding Housing Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitated: 20 Housing Units CDBG: $625,000 HOME: $250,000 Homelessness Tenant-based Rental Assistance: 30 Households Assisted Homeless Shelters: 350 Persons Assisted Homelessness Prevention: 99 Persons Assisted Coordinated Entry: 500 Persons Assisted Street Outreach: 10 Persons Assisted ESG: $146,452 2017-2018 Annual Action Plan Goals & Funding
Public Facility Improvements Infrastructure Improvements Annual Action Plan Year 3 Goals Year 3 Funding Affordable Housing Multi-Family Construction: 9 Housing Units Multi-Family Rehabilitation: 4 Housing Units HOME: $1,347,648 Public Service 555 Persons Assisted CDBG: $271,905 Public Facility Improvements 5 Buildings Facilities CDBG: $417,925 Infrastructure Improvements 15,000 Persons Assisted CDBG: $200,000 2017-2018 Annual Action Plan Goals & Funding
Annual Action Plan Funding Availability (2017-2018) Annually, the City distributes funds to address community needs through housing, homeless prevention, public service, infrastructure and public facility improvements activities Funding Source Amount 1 CDBG Annual Entitlement $1,794,088 2 CDBG Anticipated Program Income $225,000 3 CDBG Unspent Carryover Funds $459,559 4 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program $160,921 5 HOME Annual Entitlement $510,684 6 HOME Carryover Funds $1,033,611 7 HOME Anticipated Program Income $116,023 Total $4,299,886 The City will receive $2,462,954 in entitlement applications. CDBG PI – program income is money we receive from residual receipts at the North Lake Washington Square shopping center, which we conservatively estimate to be around $225,000. HOME carryover funds form previous year, in which we have 2 year to commit and 5 year to spend. HOME PI- payments from loans given in previous years.