PowerPoint Supplement Richard P. Farkas, DePaul University POWER & CHOICE An Introduction to Political Science 14th Edition W. Phillips Shively, University of Minnesota PowerPoint Supplement Richard P. Farkas, DePaul University
Political Socialization Chapter 8 Political Culture and Political Socialization
Review (from Chapter 1) AUTHORITY: Power to make policies based upon an institutionalized mechanism, procedure or by coercive force LEGITIMACY: Belief by a large number of citizens that a particular government properly has authority by results, habit, identity, procedures
Political Culture All attitudes and beliefs held communally by a people which form the basis for their politicalperceptions and behavior Complex phenomenon -- often over-simplified Changes slowly … Changes in political culture affect other factors & is affected by other factors
Approaches to Political Culture “Civic Culture” How citizens view their relationship with the State (as “subjects” or as “participants”) Values traditional vs. secular/rational survival vs. self-expression
Religion & Political Culture Religion = potent element in political culture Entangled with contemporary issues – reproductive rights, gender, education, etc. Islam = example of how simplicity can skew behavior … complex understanding required!
Political Socialization Process of learning political values and ideas about politics Begins in early childhood and continues throughout life Agents of socialization: parents/family, school/teachers, peers, leaders, media
Political Culture & the “Democratic Citizen” Requirements for democratic citizens: ► tolerance ► active participation ► high level of interest & information ► varying support for state, regime, government Progress toward these goals? Normative or empirical?
Social Capital Web of ideas and activities that bind people together and give them the political resources and mutual trust that are needed to make government work Reservoir of trust, efficacy and expectations
Authority & Legitimacy: Cases German case facts trends meaning ... U.S. contrast causes ...