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Introduction to training with EMBL-EBI Webinar 5 October 2016 Cath Brooksbank Head of Training www.ebi.ac.uk/training cath@ebi.ac.uk
Learning objectives for today Explore the types of training that EMBL-EBI offers and how you can benefit from them Discover how we tailor our training to different audiences Find out what we’re looking for in our course applications Learn how to access freely available courses whenever you need them.
What is EMBL-EBI? Europe’s home for biological data services, research and training A trusted data provider for the life sciences Part of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, an intergovernmental research organisation International: 570 members of staff from 57 nations Home of the ELIXIR Technical hub.
Training is at the heart of our mission Provide freely available data and bioinformatics services to all facets of the scientific community in ways that promote scientific progress Contribute to the advancement of biology through basic investigator-driven research in bioinformatics Provide advanced bioinformatics training to scientists at all levels, from PhD students to independent investigators Help disseminate cutting-edge technologies to industry Coordinate biological data provision throughout Europe
An EMBL-EBI-wide effort (and beyond!) All service teams and research groups contribute to training Last year >100 staff members were involved in developing and delivering training
What is your main reason for attending this webinar? Poll 1 ? What is your main reason for attending this webinar? ? ? ? ?
From molecules to medicine Biology is changing: Data explosion New types of data Emphasis on systems Applied biology: molecular medicine agriculture food environmental sciences Clinical sequencing Atlas what happens where
Delivery modes On-site Off-site Online Training the trainer Delivering courses to develop practical skills and knowledge. Led by EMBL-EBI experts and hosted in our purpose-built training suite Off-site Sending our dedicated trainers to host organisations to provide hands-on training on EMBL-EBI data, tools and resources Online Providing free access to EMBL-EBI courses; allowing individuals to choose when, where and how they learn Training the trainer Enabling trainer communities to develop relevant and high-quality courses supported by EMBL-EBI experts and materials
Find all EMBL-EBI training in one place… Clear, consistent info on every course, including learning outcomes and any course prerequisites Training events and online courses all in one place and searchable by topic www.ebi.ac.uk/training
Train at EMBL-EBI www.ebi.ac.uk/training/handson
Our training values Immersive Collegial Led by experts Cutting edge Responsive to trainees’ needs High proportion of practical content
Courses map to EMBL-EBI service areas Genes, genomes & variation Biological interpretation of next-generation sequencing Computational molecular evolution Introduction to next-generation sequencing Cancer genomics Metagenomics bioinformatics Gene, protein & metabolite expression Introduction to omics data integration Advanced RNA-seq and ChIP-seq data analysis Bioinformatics of plants and plant pathogens Analysis of high-throughput sequencing data Protein sequences, families & motifs Chemical biology Proteomics bioinformatics Resources for computational drug discovery Metabolomics bioinformatics Systems In silico systems biology Networks and pathways Data resources and bioinformatics tools for immunology (NEW) Molecular structures Cross-domain topics Structural bioinformatics Data visualisation for biology Bioinformatics for principal investigators Bioinformatics for core facility managers (NEW) Summer school in bioinformatics Foundation skills for HPC in computational biomolecular research (NEW)
Designing courses for our users Leon, postdoc Goal: to understand what makes a normally harmless bacterium pathogenic in the lungs of people with cystic fibrosis. Tasks: “I’m using a combination of transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics to understand these pathogenic changes better,” Course: EMBL-EBI–Wellcome Trust Summer school in bioinformatics Judith, plant geneticist Goal: to identify new crop strains resistant to drought, salt and fungal diseases. Tasks: “We’re doing linkage studies to find out which genes are involved in resistance to different types of stress. We’ve got genomic and expression QTLs that we need to map on to well-characterised plants Course: Bioinformatics of plants and plant pathogens Ola, clinician–scientist Goal: to identify proteomics-based biomarkers in urine for the early detection of bladder cancer Tasks: “I do mass spectrometry of samples from patients coming in for biopsies. I’ve found a phosphoprotein that seems to be upregulated in some patients.” Course: EMBL-EBI-Wellcome Trust Proteomics bioinformatics workshop
Selecting trainees who will benefit the most Do you have the pre-requisite knowledge? Do your expectations of what you will learn from the course match the stated learning objectives in the course description? Do you have data to analyse now, or will you have close to the time of the course? Will you pass on the knowledge that you have gained to others within your group or organisation? See www.ebi.ac.uk/training/handson/application for guidance on applying
Train outside EMBL-EBI www.ebi.ac.uk/training/roadshows
Empowering a world of users…
Structure of off-site programme A range of half-day and full-day modules can be combined to suit different audiences. Tailored programme with use cases relevant to your trainees’ needs See the module list or browse upcoming and past workshops at www.ebi.ac.uk/training/online for inspiration We ask that you fund our trainers’ travel and accommodation. You can charge a registration fee to cover these costs Contact roadshows@ebi.ac.uk for more information
Train online www.ebi.ac.uk/training/online
Training on demand: Train online Free, flexible online courses created by experts at EMBL-EBI and our collaborators >90 courses covering genomics through to chemical biology and literature No previous experience of bioinformatics necessary We want to help you to be highly competent users of our data resources; we are not trying to train you to become bioinformaticians All content is CC-BY-SA licensed and every course has a DOI www.ebi.uk/training/online
Target audiences Bench-based life scientists Bioinformaticians and developers Course providers [1] [1] [2] What resource should I use to do….? How do I use it? What other resources are available? Recap on how to use resource x Programmatic access What courses and resources can I direct my students to? Do you have exercises? Credits: [1] Jenny Cham’s blog [2] Cliparts.co
Types of courses / tutorials Conceptual Quick tours Walkthroughs Videos Webinars
Catering for different learning preferences Guided examples Annotated screenshots Exercises Short videos Quizzes
Workflow-based training www.ebi.ac.uk/training/events/2017/bioinformatics-discovery-0
? ? ? ? ? Poll 2 ? What’s your most urgent training need right now in bioinformatics? Use the chat function to tell us what your greatest learning need is ? ? ? ?
How can course providers benefit from the EMBL-EBI training programme?
Reuse, recycle, multiply… We encourage you to re-use and tweak our course materials Materials for face-to-face courses are made available on the course website after the course Train online courses can be incorporated into your own training programmes Materials are available through the ELIXIR Training e- support system: https://tess.elixir-uk.org/ We provide ‘Train-the-trainer’ workshops: contact Sarah Morgan (sarahm@ebi.ac.uk) for more information
Keep up to date Sign up for the EMBL course and conference newsletter: http://www.embl.de/training/events/stay- informed/NewsletterSignup/signup/ Register for a Train online account: www.ebi.ac.uk/training/online/user/register Come to an EMBL-EBI open day www.ebi.ac.uk/about/events/2016/embl-ebi-open-day- 2016 Follow us on twitter: @EBItraining and @emblebi Follow us on Facebook: EMBLEBI YouTube channel: EBIMedia
Upcoming webinars See the full list of upcoming webinars at www.ebi.ac.uk/training/webinars
Thank you for listening!
Have you participated in EMBL-EBI training before? Poll 3 ? Have you participated in EMBL-EBI training before? ? ? ? ?