Welcome to the 2017 InTeGrate Professional Development Webinar Series


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to the 2017 InTeGrate Professional Development Webinar Series Free and open to the public, this series aims to help faculty teach about the earth in the context of societal issues. The series incorporates InTeGrate principles into teaching practices, provides materials available for adoption, and creates a forum for participants to learn and share teaching strategies. Rory will introduce the series and say a few words about InTeGrate http://serc.carleton.edu/integrate/workshops/webinars/2016_2017/adapt_course/index.html

Adapting InTeGrate Modules for Biology Courses and Online Courses Amber Burgett Sabrina Walthall Rory McFadden Wittenberg University Penfield College of Mercer University SERC (moderator)


Wittenberg’s Implementation Effort Embed sustainability modules across disciplines (find out what works) Broaden participation (expand what works, make visible, explore connections) Deepen approach (make connections through shared questions, community projects, collaborative action)

Key Results

Supporting Faculty= Anticipating Barriers & Responding to New Challenges Issue Response Fit Issues within Course Planning Worksheet, Follow-up based on responses Finding connection with partners for course community project Identifying themes for collaboration, asking partners to identify data/resources

InTegrate modules in biology courses General Education courses FYS Non-majors biology courses Hot topics course: Biology on the Big Screen Majors courses Freshwater Ecology Developmental Biology

Non-majors biology course Used in Biol 146: Biology on the Big Screen General biology content focused on hot topics Food production (photosynthesis, DNA modification, GMOs) Climate change (impact on biodiversity)

Biology on the Big Screen: Food Security Incorporated The Wicked Problem of Global Food Security Discussed global population growth, exponential growth equations

Biology on the Big Screen: Food Security Incorporated The Wicked Problem of Global Food Security Discussed global population growth, exponential growth equations Used Unit 1 and 2 Tied into GMO discussion and role for GMOs in global food security

Biology on the Big Screen: Climate of change Incorporated components of Climate of Change module Unit 4: Slow and Steady examined concept of albedo Albedo and elevation Discussed concepts of biomes Image from Ceballos et al. 2015 Science Advances Calculate the rate of change for various taxa over the last 60 years and compare to that from before 1700

Biology on the Big Screen: Climate of change Incorporated components of Climate of Change module Unit 4: Slow and Steady, conducted mini experiment How might albedo contribute to the distribution of organisms? Used free app Hukseflux (iphone) to measure albedo

Biology on the Big Screen: Climate of change Incorporated components of Climate of Change module Unit 6: Adapting to a changing world How are species adapting? What if species can’t adapt? Discussed concepts of range shifts and impacts of land use/habitat loss Added questions to gallery walk focused on impact of heat waves and flooding on biodiversity (ie: temperature dependent sex determination in turtles)

Using InTeGrate in upper level biology courses Developmental Biology Freshwater Ecology (or general Ecology course)

Developmental Biology Taught by Dr. Michelle McWhorter Environmental justice and freshwater resources module

Developmental Biology Short lecture to introduce the topic of teratogens Discussed primary research article Slide from introductory lecture

Developmental Biology Completed Unit 5, love canal in lab Michelle reported that students responded strongly to the unit

Freshwater Ecology Incorporated components of Environmental Justice and Freshwater Resources Case based learning course, uses a case every week to frame concepts/topics Community based project Syllabus: Unit 2 &3 for hydrologic cycle Unit 4 and 5 during pollutants

Freshwater Ecology Incorporated during class Adapted units 1 and 2 to upper level course Used unit 5 on love canal

General strategies for incorporating in biology courses Look for connections Ecology units connect nicely with climate change, ecosystem services modules Provides students with context and application of biological concepts Active learning into class, but can also fit well into labs

Adapting InTeGrate Modules for Biology Courses and Online Courses Sabrina L. Walthall, Ph.D. Penfield College of Mercer University

Program Motivation What kind of problem was the program trying to solve and why is this work important? Mercer University serves non-traditional adult students. Students in general education courses are not wholly convinced that these courses are valuable to them. To increase the Earth literacy of students and their ability to include geosciences in addressing societal issues. We used InTeGrate materials in a variety of general education courses which are in an 8 week format online and face to face.

Program Goals Increase number of faculty who include Integrate materials and pedagogies in courses Increase the number and diversity of learners who study/participate in Integrate materials Include virtual field trips from local and regional sites (Georgia and southeastern USA) in Integrate materials to increase student interest in issues of sustainability Increase the number of K-8 teachers in Georgia who incorporate Earth literacy in their classrooms

Seeing the Big Picture We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. - Einstein Systems thinking is a way of approaching problems that asks how various elements within a system — which could be an ecosystem, an organization, or something more dispersed such as a supply chain — influence one another Rather than reacting to individual problems that arise, a systems thinker will ask about relationships to other activities within the system, look for patterns over time, and seek root causes.

Program Implementation Goal 1: Increase number of faculty who include InTeGrate materials and pedagogies in courses. One team leaders included assignments from module, Climate of Change, in an earth systems science course Conducted workshop to introduce InTeGrate materials. Two adjunct faculty were recruited to use the revised syllabus. In Spring 2015, two more team members offered courses that included InTeGrate materials The opportunity to use InTeGrate was introduces in formal faculty meetings followed up with a webinar and informal discussions. This yielded two additional faculty offering courses that included InTeGrate materials in the 2015-16 academic year. 

Program Implementation Goal 1: Increase number of faculty who include InTeGrate materials and pedagogies in courses. Course syllabus for our introductory scientific reasoning course (SCIE100 Methods of Scientific Investigation) was revised to include units 5 and 6 of Climate of Change Conducted workshop to introduce InTeGrate materials. Two adjunct faculty were recruited to use the revised syllabus.

Using Integrate In Online Gen. Ed Using Integrate In Online Gen. Ed. Course Climate change is more like obesity; we know what to do and we promise ourselves we’ll start eating better and working out—tomorrow. Our choice is not whether we should change to prevent climate catastrophe, it’s when. Leidy Klotz- Engineer Professor, Using the systems thinking approach we decided to use module, Climate Change, Unit 6 In unit 6, students assess individual and national opinions on climate change and explore strategies that communities are employing to adapt to aspects of climate change that are already affecting them and may affect them in the future. This activity is suitable for use in a lecture or lab setting but can also be done outside of class as a homework assignment .Learning outcomes Identify to which climate change opinion group they belong (alarmed, concerned, cautious, disengaged, doubtful, or dismissive) using a climate change survey instrument Summarize several methods of 21st-century adaptations to climate change, including floodplain reclamation, insurance policy changes, and response to extreme heat waves.

Using Integrate In Online Gen. Ed. Course Assignment Learning activities for the module Pre/Post survey Get feedback both during and after the module Online Assessment Determines what the student mastered during the module

Generic Online Course Template Module (or Unit) Outcomes The student will be able to: Demonstrate… Homework to help study and prepare for assignments and discussion questions. Read…Do…Find... etc. Assignments to submit to the online drop box/assignment folder Learning activities and learning strategies are included here. Online surveys allow instructors to get feedback both during and after a course Online Assessment (quizzes/exams, etc.) Determine which outcomes are the most critical and which ones you want students to have mastered MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching / Vol. 2 / No. 1 / March 2006

Make Emotionally Satisfying Content As teachers, the key lesson we can learn is to ask the following question: Is this activity or presentation emotionally satisfying for my students? This exploration led to me to change a student activity in my online courses due to the amount of frustration it caused. This one change dramatically changed the tone of the module for students and myself and led to a more pleasurable learning experience.

Integrate Leadership Team Colleen P. Stapleton, Penfield College - Mercer University Jeffrey S. Hall, Tift College of Education - Mercer University Sabrina L. Walthall, Penfield College - Mercer University Timothy D. Craker, Penfield College - Mercer University Jane M. Metty, formerly Tift College of Education - Mercer University, co-leader 2014-2015

Using Integrate In Online Gen.Ed. Course A Philosophy of Online Teaching & Learning 1. Teaching and learning online are not better or worse than on campus, face to face(f2f) —they are just different. 2. Good course planning and good teaching are universal. 3. Course planning begins with course objectives and clear specific student outcomes. Assumptions about Online Course Planning 1. A decision has been made to teach online (whether by choice or by requirement). 2. The designated course is deemed appropriate for online delivery. 3. Your department supports (or requires) this move to an online course environment. 4. There are students who want to take the course online. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching / Vol. 2 / No. 1 / March 2006

After reflecting on this prompt for a moment, please use the ‘chat’ feature to write a few sentences. How do you introduce active learning strategies into courses and adapt materials to new courses? You are also welcome to ask other questions for discussion at this time.

InTeGrate Professional Development Webinar Series http://serc.carleton.edu/integrate/workshops Addressing Food Security Issues in Your Course Systems Thinking and Earth Modeling February 9, 2017 March 22, 2017 Water and Food Sustainability EDDIE: Environmental Data-Driven Inquiry and Exploration February 15, 2017 March 30, 2017 Sustainability Across the Curriculum Map Your Hazards March 2, 2017 April 7, 2017 Adapting InTeGrate Materials to Biology Courses and Online Courses GETSI: Active Tectonics and Earthquakes April 13, 2017 March 8, 2017

Upcoming opportunities Next InTeGrate webinar: Systems Thinking and Earth Modeling Wednesday, March 22nd 9:00 am Pacific | 10:00 am Mountain | 11:00 am Central | 12:00 pm Eastern Registration deadline: Tuesday, March 21st Consider your department or course for NAGT’s Traveling Workshops Program Earth Educators’ Rendezvous 2017 in Albuquerque, New Mexico Registration is now open! Join the InTeGrate Webinar Series Community Discussion Help us…help you… Webinar evaluation