INSPIRE Thematic Working Group on


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Presentation transcript:

INSPIRE Thematic Working Group on TWG BR-HB-SD INSPIRE Thematic Working Group on Biogeographical Region, Habitats and Biotopes, Species Distribution Presenter: Anders Friis-Christensen, Editor, TWG BR-HB-SD INSPIRE Conference 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland 29th june 2011 1

TWG BR-HB-SD Main aim: …prepare data specifications ensuring exchange of spatial data from the biodiversity domain… 2

TWG BR-HB-SD Basic facts: The longest abbreviation: INSPIRE TWG BR-HB-SD All 3 themes + PS DS = Biodiversity Scope The largest TWG: (16 members) 18 meetings so far: 3 physical, 15 teleconferences+ additional subgroup teleconferences Profile of the group: Coverage of 10 EU countries Close connection with EEA/Europen Topic Centre (Natura 2000, SDF update) Related EU funded projects representation International and national domain networks coverage Expertise for all three themes Connection to INSPIRE Annex I Protected Sites TWG 3

TWG BR-HB-SD – Contact points Surname Name Ctry Organisation Proposed by Role Hinterlang Dirk DE Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz NRW GDI-DE LMO Facilitator Friis-Christensen Anders DK National Survey and Cadastre, Denmark Editor Tuchyňa Martin JRC European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre European Commission, DG JRC JRC Contact Point Bruns Peteris LV Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia (IMCS UL) Expert Carlisle Margaret UK University of Aberdeen NATURE-GIS Jongman Robert NL Alterra Wageningen UR GEO BON-EBONE Kliment Tomáš SK Italian National Research Council, Slovak University of Technology ENVEurope Mac Sharry Brian EEA ETC/BD EEA-EIONET Maxim Iurie RO TeamNet International RoEnv: Romania Environmental May Rudolf Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) -GDI-DE -NetPhyD: German Phytodiversity Network Peterseil Johannes AT Umweltbundesamt GmdH Roscher Sabine Expert, Schmidt Anne Alterra Green World Research, Centre for Geo-Information Alterra Claus Simon BE Flanders Marine Institute EMODnet Biology Tirry Diederik SADL KULeuven R&D Valland Nils NO Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (NBIC) ND: Digital Norway Vischer-Leopold Mareike Federal Agency for Nature Conservation Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN) HB BR SD 4

Bio-geographical regions (BR) Short overview description Definition Areas of relatively homogeneous ecological conditions with common characteristics. [Directive2007/2/EC] Core content: Natura 2000 Bio-geographical regions (9 regions) Marine regions (5 regions) Support for other “Ecoregions” Core legislation / convention: Habitats Directive (EEC/92/43) / Natura 2000 network Bern Convention / Emerald network Classifications: Natura 2000 and Emerald Bio-geographical regions Environmental Stratification of Europe Natural Vegetation Classification Value 5

Bio-geographical regions (BR) Main achievements One, simple BR application schema: Because of limited number of Bio-geographical region datasets No complex requirements In order to strive for maximum harmonisation of datasets BR application schema not only supports the classification of bio-geographical regions as mandated by the European Habitats Directive, but also meets the requirements raised by INSPIRE stakeholders with regard to alternative and more precise sets of different types of ecological regions Currently the BR application schema includes three distinct European classification schemes, however through the mechanism of codelists the model can be extended to define and include other classifications as well. 6

Bio-geographical regions (BR) Data model Dependences BiogeopgraphicalRegions (BR) Base Types (GCM) Open issue: References to other themes not clarified, e.g. to PS 7

Bio-geographical regions (BR) Only one spatial object type All other classes are codelists Data model Overview Open issue: RegionClassificationSchemeValue necessary? 8

Bio-geographical regions (BR) 2. Add another value to RegionClassificationSchemeValue Data model Extension mechanism 1. Subclass abstract codelist RegionClassificationValue 9

Bio-geographical regions (BR) Open issues Theme specific issues: Ecoregions with respect to the Water Framework Is regionClassificationLevel required in the application schema or could it be represented in MD? Generic issues: Relationship to other themes (for example with Annex I Protected Sites) Codelists: They need to be hierarchical, shall they be external or specific to INSPIRE? Data quality + Dataset level metadata Portrayal 10

Habitats and Biotopes (HB) Short overview description Definition “Geographical areas characterised by specific ecological conditions, processes, structure, and (life support) functions that physically support the organisms that live there. Includes terrestrial and aquatic areas distinguished by geographical, abiotic and biotic features, whether entirely natural or seminatural.” [Directive2007/2/EC] Content Covered area Classification Object level metadata: Method for collecting data (source information) 11

Habitats and Biotopes (HB) Short overview description Habitats and Biotopes are spatially delimited by specific ecological conditions, processes, structure and life support functions that physically support the organisms that live there. Spatial representation : Mapping as Features – precise delineation Distribution as Coverages (Discrete) - tessellation of space (grid) Classifications: Mandatory: Habitats Directive “habitat types” (recommended) or EUNIS habitat classification Voidable: Local/national coding list Including a possible mapping qualifier 12

Habitats and Biotopes (HB) Main achievements Harmonisation was achieved by using one classification system, which serves as “primus inter pares” to which all other classification systems can be mapped. Support of one or many “local” habitat type classifications and their mappings For the purpose of harmonization widely accepted code lists for habitat types and species names are mandatory and not voidable. 13

Habitats and Biotopes (HB) Data model Dependences HabitatsAndBiotopes (HB) SpeciesDistribution (SD) Coverages (Base Model) Base Types (GCM) Open issue: References to other themes not clarified, e.g. to PS 14

Habitats and Biotopes (HB) Feature Data model Overview 15

Habitats and Biotopes (HB) Data model Habitats mapping Features The delineation of each habitat is represented as individual features. 16

Habitats and Biotopes (HB) Data model Overview Coverage 17

Habitats and Biotopes (HB) Data model Habitats mapping Coverages Presence of habitats are summarised based on a tessellation of space, e.g., by grids. Open issue: Implementation of coverages 18

Habitats and Biotopes (HB) Implementation model of coverage (Sec 9) Problem: No implementations exist of e.g. multi-surface coverages

Habitats and Biotopes (HB) Open issues Theme specific issues: Introducing a feature collection (spatial data) set for predefined data sets for the habitat mapping representation Need for more habitatTypes for the coverage. Is there a need for more grid types (e.g. irregular ones)? Data quality + Dataset level metadata Portrayal Generic issues: Encoding of coverages. Multiple encodings (additional implementation model). Discussion on Data quality + Dataset level metadata Codelists: Are all extendible by MS, do they need to be hierarchical, shall they be external or specific to INSPIRE? Relationships with other themes Portrayal of coverages 20

Species distribution (SD) Short overview description Definition Geographical distribution of occurrence of animal and plant species aggregated by grid, region, administrative unit or other analytical unit [Directive 2007/2/EC]. Core content Coverage description Reference species name+classification Distribution information description Residency status Population size within the spatial unit Data sensitivity Source information description Methodologies Source Aggregation 21

Species distribution (SD) Short overview description Aggregations of raw species observations to create general distributions. A possibility to refer to observations made possible by linking to Environmental Monitoring Facilities. DS terminology: Species = taxon Spatial representation : Current situation: feature collections Appropriate conceptual approach: Coverages Aggregation or Distribution is modelled as (Discrete) coverages (but can be encoded as feature collections) Classifications (reference ones): EU-NOMEN (Recommended) EUNIS NATURA2000 22

Species distribution (SD) Main achievements Certain generic constructs allowing for different source methods and counting methods Species names and classifications (support of one or many “local” names and their mappings to a reference one) Support of wide range of spatial distribution types (points, grid cells, multi-surface, curves) 23

Species distribution (SD) Data model Dependences SpeciesDistribution (SD) Environmental monitoring facilities (EF) Coverages (Base Model) Base Types (GCM) Open issue: References to other themes not clarified, e.g. to PS 24

Species distribution (SD) Data model – overview Link to EMF 25

Species distribution (SD) Link to EMF 26

Species distribution (SD) Data model – overview Coverage 27

Species distribution (SD) Data model Species distribution Coverages Coverage representation with constraints for domain and range Open issue: Implementation of coverages 28

Species distribution (SD) Implementation model of coverage (Sec 9) Problem: No implementations exist of e.g. multi-surface coverages 29

Species distribution (SD) Open issues Theme specific issues: Lack of a consistent taxonomy across Europe. The relationships to other themes Link to observations (currently via Environmental Facilities) Data quality + Dataset level metadata Portrayal Generic issues: Encoding of coverages. Multiple encodings (additional implementation model). Codelists: Are all extendible by MS, do they need to be hierarchical, shall they be external or specific to INSPIRE? 30

Thank you for your attention TWG BR-HB-SD Thank you for your attention 31

INSPIRE Thematic Working Group on TWG BR-HB-SD INSPIRE Thematic Working Group on Biogeographical Region, Habitats and Biotopes, Species Distribution Presenter: Anders Friis-Christensen, Editor, TWG BR-HB-SD INSPIRE Conference 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland 30 june 2011 32