Chapter 2 Section 3 The Critical Period How the United States of America was governed before the Constitution was written?
The Articles of Confederation The Articles of Confederation, document that laid out the structure and functions of the very first US government was approved on November 15, 1777 Established “a firm league of friendship” among States.
Governmental Structure Quite simple A Congress was the sole body created. Each State had only one vote in Congress, no matter its population or wealth. No executive or judicial branch. These functions were to be handled by committees of Congress.
State Obligations The States pledges to obey the Articles and acts of the Congress. provide the funds and troops treat citizens of other States fairly and equally. Agreed to open travel and trade among the States.
Weaknesses Congress powerless to levy taxes. regulate commerce. No executive power to enforce acts of Congress. No national court system. Amendments require the consent of ALL States. A 9/13 majority required to pass laws.
The Critical Period, the 1780s The long Revolutionary war ended on October 19, 1781. Weak, economic and political system. The States disputed among themselves. Economic chaos spread Violence broke out in a number of places.
A Need for Stronger Government The government was unable to deal with the nation’s troubles. Call for a change! Philadelphia The Constitutional Convention and purpose of the meeting was– the creation of an entirely new kind of government for the United States of America.
Articles of Confederation 1. Read silently, in your own Personal Dimension. 8-10 minutes 2. As you read, annotate/T2T 3. Count off 1-2-3 4. As a GROUP answer questions 5. Number _____ will write down the answers. 6. You will all be expected to answer out to the class.