Every Local Church Must visit: 10 Villages 100 families Build up 1 local church
Friend or Relative’s house Send your believers to visit their friend or relative in nearby empty villages. Offer peace and blessing, share the gospel, and plant churches in the nearby villages.
Friend or Relative’s house But we want to make sure we visit all the families around our church to bless them and offer peace. Make sure all your church members are trained and involved in going to the families around your church.
Choose 100 families around your church and visit them with all your believers. When you visit them, offer peace and blessing. Ask them for their needs and prayer requests. Take their name and tell them your church will pray for them.
Pray for this family everyday with your believers Pray for this family everyday with your believers. Pray for their prayer requests and their needs. Most important, pray that Jesus’ Spirit will touch their heart and they will be ready to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Remember to visit your village, block, panchayat leaders Remember to visit your village, block, panchayat leaders. Also visit the high caste and wealthy families in your village and neighborhood. Ask for their prayer requests. It always helps to bring a small gift.
Make sure you are training and sending all your believers to visit the 100 families. Make sure all your believers are praying for the 100 families. Your whole church should be involved.
If Jesus gives you the opportunity or If Jesus’ Spirit leads you, share with the family Your Story and Jesus Story.
Gather the persons of peace and train them Gather the persons of peace and train them. Remember, raise up the local church pastor and build up at least 1 local church. A local church is a church with 10 baptized members and 5 baptized families regularly meeting on Sundays
Who Do We Bless Peace for during the 40 days of Christmas Blessing Project?
Families: Visit the families in the village and offer heavenly peace. If they have no peace because of a family problem, ask for their prayer request and pray for his family everyday.
The Leader: Go to the village leader and offer prayer and peace for him and his family. Ask for prayer requests. Ask him if there are problems in the village you can pray for.
The Poor: If you meet a proof family, offer prayer of blessing for them. Ask that Jesus bless them and provide for them.
The Sick: If someone is sick in the family, offer to pray for them. If they allow you, lay your hand on them and pray in Jesus name for their healing.
The Young: If there are children of students, pray that God will bless them in their studies. If they are rebelling, pray that God will help them obey their parents
Find the Person of Peace: Find the person of peace in the village, the one who will invite you into his home and gather the people. Share your testimony and the gospel. Ask him/her to gather his family and friends.
Who Should Go to Bless Peace during the 40 days of Blessing Project?
All believers in your church should be trained and sent to go All believers in your church should be trained and sent to go. All believers should go and offer peace and share the gospel.