Adjetivos Adjectives
Adjectives Describing words
Adjectives Words that describe people and things are called adjectives. (adjetivos) In Spanish, most adjectives have masculine and feminine forms. The masculine form usually ends in the letter –o and the feminine form usually ends in the letter -a.
Adjectives Masculine nouns are described by adjectives in the masculine form Carlos es rubio. Carlos is blonde.
Adjectives Feminine nouns are described by adjectives in the feminine form. Kenia es castaña. Kenia is brown haired.
Adjectives Adjectives that end in the letter can be either masculine or feminine. La planta es verde. The plant is green. El libro es verde. The book is green.
Plural Adjectives If the noun is plural then the adjective must be plural. If the adjective ends with a vowel then you add -s. If the adjective ends with a consonant then you add –es. Ellos son rubios. They are blonde. Nosotros somos trabajadores. (hardworking) We are hardworking.
Agreement of Adjectives Adjectives must also agree in gender with the noun. Therefore, adjectives agree in number and gender with the noun it is modifying. María es canosa. Carlos es canoso. María y Carlos son canosos. María y Paula son canosas.