WHEN WAS INTERNATINAL WOMEN’S DAY A THING? I just heard about international women’s day two months ago and have been fascinated by this day and topic since! This all goes back to the early 1900 , a time in which woman had very little power over men , during this time women were beginning to question the labour laws and began to make a stand. This started as women coming together to talk about depression , until 8 years later this was taken to the streets of new York , where 15 , 000 women marched to stand for better treatment and equality . They finally had taken their first step by demanding better hours and better wages. (Like I mentioned woman had very little power over men they were ; restricted to what jobs they could have , had been paid much smaller amounts of money than men and didn’t have the right to vote.) A year later , on the 28th February the first international women’s day was celebrated in the United States of America. This special event was becoming popular when , an international women’s day conference was called for in 1910 and from this day forth women’s power grew. All of this progress continued on creating more famous and powerful like ; Rosa Parks , Malala Yousafzi , Oprah Winfrey and many more powerful women . A woman is beautiful and gentle being that come with different characteristics but they all have something in common! A special force of nature that creates an aura of power that is like nothing on this planet . But it’s up to you wether you embrace that or not!
The future of women I have asked many people the question “do you think that men and women will ever be equals in this world and modern day society?”… Every single person I asked came up with the same answer! “I really hope that both genders will become and see one another as equals, however if I’m going to be realistic my answer is no!” I wasn’t surprised by that answer at all. Why? From the beginning of our existence men have had the upper hand and women have lived with that up to this very day. But when will you change this? We measure time in seconds and those seconds become minutes those minutes evolve and become hours those hours form days , international women’s day is should be an ordinary day for us because we should celebrate both men and women everyday. I don’t understand why we create special days to treat each other nicely when the simple truth is that we should be nice to people everyday.
Questions: How do you feel about national women’s day ? – Does it make you wonder why there isn’t an international men’s day? Or do you think it is a good idea and should help and inspire more women to think beyond their stereotypes and outlook on society? Do you think that men and women are equal? – If not how do you think we can change that because I think that women have been treated inferior to men for over hundreds of years and they have tried to fight back with significant results , but why does this inequalities still happen in this day and age? What’s your opinion on women being stereotyped as weak and fragile? – Even if science proves that to be true in some cases do you think that we should move on to develop women’s strength or leave them alone and let them embrace who they are? i.e. if a young man is crying , do you think it’s ok to say “ stop being a girl and man up”! A lot of pressure is put on us boys in terms of how we express our feelings! I personally think that it is hard for me to burst out in tears when I feel to cry because I’m seeing myself as looking weak. But am I wrong to think that way ?