Individual Behavior Mada al-Enizi 200801576
Outline: Individual Behavior Definition Biographical Characteristics Ability Field theory Causes of individual behavior Learning Methods of shaping behavior Summary
Definition Individual Behavior is a combination of external and internal stimuli.
Biographical Characteristics Age Gender Marital Status Tenure
Ability What is “Ability”? Intellectual Abilities Physical abilities An individual’s capacity to perform the various tasks in a job. individual’s abilities made up of 3 sets of factors: Intellectual Abilities Physical abilities The Ability - Job Fit
Intellectual Abilities The capacity to do mental activities.
Physical abilities the capacity to do tasks demanding stamina, energy, strength and similar characteristics
The Ability - Job Fit Employee performance is enhanced when there is a high ability - job fit.
Field theory B F filed theory: B:behavior F:behavior function P:person E:nviroment around the person B F (P,E)
Causes of individual behavior Inherited characteristics Learned characteristics
Inherited characteristics Physical characteristics intelligence gender
Learned characteristics Perception Attitude Personality Values emotion
Learning the acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or being taught. A relatively permanent change in the behavior occurring as a result of experience.
Learning theories Classical conditioning theory Operant conditioning theory Social learning
Methods of shaping behavior Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement Punishment extinction
Summary Human Beings are unique and so are their behaviors. We need to study Human Behavior based on certain scientific theories and observations. Behaviors and Motivation are significant indicators of individual effectiveness in organizations. Individual Behaviors can be shaped by different methods like Positive reinforcement, Negative reinforcement, Punishment and extinction.