Economic Development Strategy 4/26/2018 Economic Development Strategy Development Services
City of Kawartha Lakes Corporate Strategic Plan Framework Vision Naturally beautiful, offering an exceptional lifestyle Mission Providing responsible, efficient and effective services Strategic Goals A Healthy Environment An Exceptional Quality of Life A Vibrant & Growing Economy Strategic Enablers Responsible Fiscal Resource Management Effective Human Resources Municipal Service Excellence Efficient Infrastructure & Asset Management Values Collaboration – Continuous Improvement – Excellence – Innovation – Results
Strategic Priority Goal 1: A Vibrant & Growing Economy 4/26/2018 Strategic Priority Goal 1: A Vibrant & Growing Economy Objective 1.1: a stronger and more diversified economy. Actions 1.1.1 Develop and execute a comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (to bring business to the City of Kawartha Lakes and to expand local employment) Objective 1.3: Enhanced Tourism Actions 1.3.1 Update the Tourism Strategy
4/26/2018 Current Position “Local Economic Development is a process by which public, business and non-governmental sector partners work collectively to create better conditions for economic growth and employment generation. LED is thus about communities continually improving their investment climate and business enabling environment to enhance their competitiveness, retain jobs and improve incomes.” (World Bank & FCM)
4/26/2018 Current Position
Current Position 4/26/2018 Director of Development Services (1.00FT) Manager of Economic Development (1.00FT) Administrative Assistant (1.00FT) Agriculture Development Officer (1.00FT) Small Business Development Officer (1.00FT) Economic Development Officer (1.00FT) Tourism Development Officer (1.00FT) Economic Development Officer- Business (1.00FT) Arts Culture Heritage Officer (1.00FT Contract) Youth Program Coordinator (1.00FT Contract) Summer Company Coordinator (1.00FT Contract)
Current Position Informing documents include: 4/26/2018 Current Position Informing documents include: Economic Development Mission Statement (2007) Premier Ranked Tourism Strategy (2008) Heritage Master Plan (2012) Culture Master Plan (2013) Music Feasibility Study (2015) Downtown Revitalization Studies and Action Plans (ongoing) Agricultural Action Plan (2010) Food Hub Feasibility Study (2015) AgriFood Asset Mapping (2016) Green Hub CIP (2009) Planning documents
Scope Create an comprehensive Economic Development Strategy: 4/26/2018 Scope Create an comprehensive Economic Development Strategy: Review current programs Benchmark and best practices Strengthen existing industries Diversity the economic base Improve policies and processes Action based implementation plan
Where do we want to be? Vision: Goals: Vibrant and growing economy 4/26/2018 Where do we want to be? Vision: Vibrant and growing economy Goals: Engagement Stronger and more diversified economy Bring business to the City of Kawartha Lakes Expand local employment
Actions to achieve Goals 4/26/2018 Actions to achieve Goals Research + Analysis Community Engagement Strategy Development Implementation + Measurement
Timeline Major milestones: Milestone Timeline Presentation to Council 4/26/2018 Timeline Major milestones: Milestone Timeline Presentation to Council June 21, 2016 Research + Analysis August- October Community Engagement October – November Strategy Development December- January Final Strategy Presentation February 2017
4/26/2018 Next Steps