SPECIALISED SERVICES eLearning eLearning Colloquium Western Cape Provincial Training Institute 28 October 2015 fran.greyling@thensg.gov.za
How do we define eLearning? eLearning refers to materials and activities that optimally utilises Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to support and enhance learning. What does this mean? We use computers and the Internet so that learners can Read learning materials and do activities; Hand in their work and receive feedback; and Connect with others. in an online learning environment anytime, anywhere.
What governs eLearning in the Public Service? Human Resource Development Strategic Framework for the Public Service: Vision 2015 The framework seeks to adopt a set of options for capacity building in order to respond to training and development needs in the Public Service eLearning policy DPSA The policy / directive intends to Outline the way in which eLearning should be utilised in the Public Service Provide an enabling mechanism for public servants to understand their role in eLearning Focus and coordinate eLearning in the Public Service Facilitate the provisioning of an enabling eLearning environment Strategy and plans Government departments (Participatory development) Departments must take responsibility for the successful implementation of eLearning within the context of utilisation in individual departments
What does the eLearning policy / directive include? Legislative frameworks Human Resource Development Strategic framework: vision 2015 National Skills Development Strategy National Qualifications Framework Act Public Service Act Skills Development and Skills Development Levies Acts Public Finance Management Act Directive on the Utilisation of Training Budgets E-Government Strategy The Electronic Communications Act Roles and Responsibilities Principles Allocate training resources to meet transformational priorities HRD practitioners Create an enabling environment through development and implantation of relevant policies and regulatory documents Line function managers Create an enabling work environment and provide support Employees Take responsibility for their own learning Departmental IT Create an enabling technological environment and provide support eLearning Service Provider Provide a high quality eLearning experience
What does the eLearning policy / directive include? Institutional arrangement and support Every employee is eligible to participate in eLearning Participants must be provided with time and space to complete an eLearning intervention within their working hours Participants must be provided with technology and access to the Internet to participate in eLearning Participants must be provided with the necessary IT support to participate in eLearning Accreditation and certification Uniform principles apply – “any person who earns a qualification or a skills programme through eLearning and such a programme is accredited by a Quality Council is recognises to have the same rights and privileges as if he/she has earned an accredited qualification through a conventional training mode” Requirements and guidelines Content design and development Assessment Facilitation Functionalities of the Learning Management System eLearning information security Protection and storage of data
What does the eLearning policy / directive include? Funding Funded as part of a department’s training budget Development and procurement in line with departmental procurement and asset management policies Governance Monitoring and Evaluation eLearning Steering Committee (chaired by the DPSA) to promote the effective and efficient use of eLearning in the Public Service Heads of Departments are responsible for monitoring and reporting on departmental implementation Offices of the Premier are responsible for monitoring and reporting on provincial implementation DPSA will monitor implementation through the Human Resource Development Annual Monitoring and Evaluation and evaluation reports from departments Zamo Khuzwayo <ZamokwakheK@dpsa.gov.za>
What is missing? What, in your experience, should be included in the policy/directive to enable the utlisation of eLearning in the Public Service?
What frames eLearning implementation at the NSG? Change management and adoption Organisational readiness Infrastructure Alignment with capacity building needs Pedagogical approaches Implementation Monitoring and evaluation Governance
Change management and adoption Create awareness Motivate Educate Capacitate Promote the development of an enabling environment Provide encouragement Help potential users understand eLearning as a capacity building means and embrace the associated opportunities
Organisational readiness Define organisational systems, processes and procedures that enable eLearning implementation Mainstream eLearning Encourage a synergised approach (creative cooperation) Planning Design and Development Implementation Evaluation
Infrastructure Human Technological Financial eLearning Infrastructure design facilitation change management marketing organisational processes t&l processes return on expectations policies, guidelines, norms & standards Infrastructure Integration
Infrastructure Develop and/or appoint human capacity for Project management of eLearning projects Content design and development suitable for online delivery Online facilitation Learner support (technical) System maintenance Monitoring and evaluation
Infrastructure Create the required technological infrastructure (as a provider) to meet minimum requirements: Individual secure user login Varied levels of access Delivery of a variety of content types Selective release of content Assessment authoring Submission of learner evidence Provisioning of feedback Channels for communication Management, tracking and reporting of learner progress Delivery of notifications Provisioning of academic, administrative and technical learner support
? ? Infrastructure Open source Customised Proprietary Internal Hosting Server space External
Alignment with capacity building needs Learning need Purpose of the training and development Target audience Delivery options Constraints and opportunities ? Fully technology mediated eLearning Facilitated eLearning Blended learning (f-2-f & e)
Infrastructure Create the required financial infrastructure (as a provider) to meet minimum requirements: Staff eLearning platform Design and development Facilitation (class size) Assessment
Pedagogical approaches Ground the planning, design, facilitation, evaluation and management of eLearning in research and best practice (lived experience) Learn by doing Active learning Authentic learning Learn by doing something which is useful in the real world Adult learning In a learning environment that supports adult learning
Pedagogical approaches Depending on the purpose of a course and the context of implementation a relevant blend of the following elements can be found: Course materials and resources (in a variety of formats, e.g. text, graphics, audio, video) Quizzes To ensure learners read compulsory learning materials To assess learners’ understanding of the learning materials Learners receive automatic feedback Application activities To assess the ability to apply new knowledge and skills in the work place Typically presented as a template to be completed Assessed by a facilitator with personalised feedback, using a rubric if possible Reflection activities Channels for communication to promote support and collaborative learning Ongoing learner support
Implementation Establish systems, processed and procedures for the satisfactory delivery of facilitated (credit bearing) eLearning Quotation through the NSG contact centre Registration with the NSG as learner Registration on the NSG Learning Management System Allocation of facilitator/s Learner orientation Course work and formative assessment Post Course Assignment (PCA) Assessment of PCA External Moderation and Verification of PCA Certification by the NSG & ETQA
Implementation Establish systems, processed and procedures for the satisfactory delivery of fully technology mediated eLearning Self enrolment Learner orientation Course work and assessment (automated) Print certificate as soon as course requirements are met
Monitoring and evaluation Determine the quality and effectiveness of eLearning courses: Collection, analysis and reporting of learner data Level Instrument/s Reach Learner analytics Reaction Surveys Learning Assessment results Transfer of learning Observation Interviews Focus group interviews Organisational benefits Organisational reports Organisational performance
Governance Establish networks to share policies and other regulatory documents, as well as lessons learned to set standards for eLearning implementation in the Public Sector and support the continuous improvement of eLearning through relevant evaluation processes and procedures
Does eLearning work? Like any other mode of learning success depends on a number of factors. For (e)Learning to work, at least the following must be in place: Access to technology and a stable internet connection Basic ICT literacy Champion / coordinator in the department Participant buy in Tracking and reporting Timeous intervention Accountability Relevant and useful content User-friendly learning environment Knowledgeable and skillful facilitator Facilitator support Learner support (administrative, academic and technical)
Lack of coordination, integration and standardisation What are the limitations so of the current infrastructure in the Public Service? Human Capacity development to design and develop eLearning Capacity development to facilitate eLearning Demystification of eLearning Affordances Limitations Purpose Technical Development of infrastructure to enable participation in eLearning Hardware Software Bandwidth Financial Optimal use of training resources Lack of coordination, integration and standardisation
Ngiyabonga |Thank you | Dankie How can you contact us? Dr Fran Greyling Chief Director : eLearning Fran.Greyling@thensg.gov.za +27 (0)12 441 6842 Ms Nokuthula Buthelezi Administrator: eLearning Nokuthula.Buthelezi@thensg.gov.za +27 (0)12 441 6842 Mr Guillaume Kruger Director : eLearning G.Kruger@thensg.gov.za +27 (0)12 441 6180 Ms Tshetsana Letebele Deputy Director : eLearning Tshetsana.Letebele@thensg.gov.za +27 (0)12 441 6737 Ngiyabonga |Thank you | Dankie